Ashley's Forum Posts

  • Construct does pre-load preview for use offline. It should work, and I tested it recently and it did seem to work fine. As I always say, unless you wait for the "ready to use offline" notification when loading Construct (or a new version) for the first time, you can't guarantee that all features will work offline. I can only assume you didn't wait for that and quit Construct before it had finished saving for use offline.

  • Nepeo - might be worth trying to phrase the error message more clearly to avoid confusion.

  • A core security principle of the web is: loading resources from other domains is disallowed by default, unless the server specifically allows it. The error messages are because you appear to be trying to fetch an audio file from a different domain, and the server is not set up to specifically allow it.

    Read up on Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to learn more. Usually it comes down to adding the HTTP header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * on the response.

  • See the guide on memory usage in the manual. It's quite simple: image memory use is proportional to its area. Larger images use more memory, and smaller images use less.

    Note don't confuse that with the file size - that has nothing to do with memory usage. A 5kb image file could easily use several megabytes of memory, depending on the dimensions of the actual image.

  • Set the project sampling mode to "Nearest" and sprite fonts will look crisp.

  • The platform behavior already has "is touching wall" and "is on floor" which to my knowledge are handled in the behavior's script and simply return true or false -- using them in events does not create extra collision checks.

    Actually as dop2000 has found, these both do collision checks internally as well. They are essentially glorified "is overlapping at offset" checks (but taking in to account other cases like slopes and jump-thrus).

    But even before we get to that, the #1 question for anything related to performance - particularly when implementing new performance-related features - is: what measurements do you have indicating this is a performance bottleneck? The collision engine has already had tons of optimisation work done on it. In particular collision cells normally mean that objects only test collisions against nearby instances. Then objects whose bounding boxes don't overlap are extremely fast to reject as not overlapping. So the real work of collision checks tends to only be poly checks for objects that are actually overlapping. Even this tends to be very little work compared to everything else happening in a project.

    The cases I've seen where collision checks really do affect a project's performance are truly extreme cases, like spawning 1000 objects on-screen at once and having them all check collisions against each other. In that case there's lots of objects in one collision cell, and so the main performance bottleneck is simply iterating through the ~1 million combinations of objects every tick. (And if that all got spread out over a large area, collision cells would still keep it running fast.)

    It's easy to speculate about performance and end up spending ages writing lots of fancy code that ends up having negligible effect on any real games. As a small company with loads to do this has a high opportunity cost, so we have to be careful to spend our time on things that are provably necessary wherever possible.

  • I'm afraid we're unable to help unless you follow the bug report requirements. Closing.

  • You can probably also avoid this by clicking the "Reset dialogs" button in Settings. One of the reasons it's there is to fix disappearing dialogs if your display configuration changes.

  • I'm afraid we're unable to help unless you follow the bug report requirements. Closing.

  • Construct 2 does not itself use those dependencies. If Cordova uses them, then it's Cordova that needs to be updated. Try updating to the latest version of Cordova.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I've no idea which C3 bug you're referring to, you didn't even link to it. Please always follow the full bug report guidelines otherwise it's impossible to help.

  • Fixed for next release.

  • Can't reproduce here, so I assume it was subsequently fixed. Closing.

  • I'm afraid we're unable to help unless you at least provide a link to the game. Typically the problem is you just forgot to upload some files. Please follow the bug report requirements to ensure we can help. Closing.