The Android ecosystem has had long standing issues with audio latency. Unfortunately this is in the Android platform itself, so is not part of Construct or the browser. This means there probably isn't anything we can do about it.
For example I found this writeup about latency here:
Some choice quotes:
The overwhelming majority of Android devices suffer from too high audio latency...
Most Android apps have more than 100 ms of audio output latency, and more than 200 ms of round-trip (audio input to audio output) latency...
Games: sound effects, such as explosions or gun sounds lag behind by a few frames...
From my own testing a Pixel 3 with Android 10 and Chrome 78 had no perceptible latency, but a Samsung Galaxy S8 with Android 9 and Chrome 78 did, similar to the videos. If the problem was with Construct or the browser, then both devices would be affected. However the Pixel 3 is not affected, demonstrating the problem is with the device or the Android OS itself, and as noted there have been long-standing issues here.
Therefore I'm afraid I don't believe there is anything we can do about this. There are lots of other people who badly want the Android audio latency problem to be fixed too, particularly developers of music apps. Not all devices are affected, but I guess the only thing to do is to wait and see if Google comes up with a way to have low-latency audio playback for all devices in future.