Ashley's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, you can just put in multiple light objects, but you won't get anything very useful unless you play around with opacity. In this example, I use two lights, each on their own layer with 33% opacity, so the only darkened areas are where neither light can reach. This doesn't use any pixel shaders.

  • You could upload a .cap with a few of the sprites somewhere so we could take a look. I'd guess that you imported sprites from files that have a very light semitransparent background, or you accidentally used a semitransparent brush/fill in the picture editor. You could try using the Magic Wand tool to select the background, and press Delete to clear it to transparent - if that still isn't perfectly transparent, it could be a render bug.

  • Use OR conditions between other conditions to check if any of them are true rather than all of them, eg:

    + Left arrow key pressed


    + Right arrow key pressed

    -> Do stuff...

    'Else' can be put in the next event to run when the previous event wasn't true, eg:

    + Left arrow key is down

    -> Do stuff...

    + Else

    -> Do stuff...

    There might be bugs though, so let me know if its not working when you do that...

  • You could also add the subevent:

    + 'X Value' is less than 0

    -> Set 'X Value' to 0

    Or simply use the expression:

    Player: Set 'X Value' to: max(Player.Value('X Value')+(Player.Value('Deceleration')*timedelta), 0)

    Then you get the smooth floating point subtraction which never falls below 0. For small 'Deceleration' values, rounding may cause the movement to stop or become jittery, so you should prefer one of these methods.

  • Doppel: Attan means a .cap not using any pixel shaders, which is still hardware accelerated.

    The Light object itself doesnt require any pixel shaders, I just used them to make the lights look fancy. Here's one without any shaders:

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  • Works normally here too - I released a hotfix for the Particle object's rendering shortly after release, so if you have it enabled, restarting Construct should automatically download the update. The same shouldve happened for the Light object.

  • In Common properties of the Light object, the opacity is the opacity of the shadows drawn.

  • Wow! Nice effect

  • You could destroy the particle spray after a short delay, or reduce the rate to 0.

    I've hotfixed the particles object so it works with effects now, here's a demo of how soften and blur can improve the effect:

  • Three demos of the new Particles plugin in 0.95, which can efficiently draw and handle thousands of particles. The second two create up to 20,000 particles so might be quite intensive on lower end cards!

    These effects also look good with blur or soften effects to hide the fact all the particles are square, but it doesn't seem to work, I'll see if I can have a hotfix for that soon... and a future version should allow textured particles so you can use custom graphics.

  • Very simple example, but demonstrates how Sprites can be skewed in 0.95.

  • Quick demo of the new For Each Object (Ordered) condition in 0.95.

    Like For Each, it allows you to iterate instances of objects one-by-one, but using an expression to determine the order. In this example, it's used to sort Z orders by Y co-ordinate, which you can notice by dragging the butterly sprites around.

    The event used is:

    + For each Sprite ordered by Sprite.Y Ascending

    -> Sprite: Bring to front

    This means it iterates the sprites from top-to-bottom, bringing each one to front. Since the bottom ones are brought to the front last, they are on top.

  • Quick demo of the Light object casting shadows off objects with the Shadow Caster behavior.

    You'll need the Light.csx hotfix, because I stuffed up the release one (it should prompt to update on starting Construct).

    Uses pixel shader 2.0.

  • Example showing destructible terrain in 0.95 using the Canvas object and Update Collision Mask. Control the red sprite as a platform movement, and click to cut a circular chunk out of the terrain. This is done by pasting a sprite with an Erase effect. Updating the collision mask then allows the platform movement to respond to the change.

  • Download 0.95 now!

    (get 0.98.6 instead, foo')

    Construct 0.95 includes several substantial additions, including dynamic shadow casting, skewing sprites, a particle effects plugin, dynamic collision masks for Canvases, installers, and more, including the usual bug fixes. Examples of these should be appearing in the uploads forum shortly!

    Please remember you can support Construct's development by donating, via the Donate button on the main page.


    The Animator bar has been changed to prevent runtime errors being allowed to happen, as well as to make it more intuitive through drag/drop, and a new UI.

    • [ADD] Drag/drop support
    • [FIX] Can no longer remove last animation
    • [FIX] Can no longer remove last angle
    • [CHANGE] Changes to way animations are added to prevent runtime errors
    • [CHANGE] Cosmetic changes to make animations simpler


    The new behavior 'Shadow Caster' is attached to objects which will have a shadow, allowing realtime and multi-light shadows. Other fixes for some other behaviors.

    • [ADD] New Shadow Caster behavior for use with Light object
    • [ADD] Condition to Bullet which triggers when object exceeds range
    • [ADD] Target methods for Turret behavior: 'Follow first in range' or 'Always target nearest'. First-in-range requires less processing, but always-nearest is useful for many situations
    • [ADD] Rotate behavior (spin objects with acceleration)
    • [FIX] 'Get speed' expression of platform movement


    Offset allows objects to be drawn at an offset, which can create a nice scrolling effect without moving the layout.

    • [ADD] New 'Offset' shader to display objects at an offset

    Event sheet editor

    • [ADD] Several options to context menu (delete event, etc)
    • [ADD] 'For Each Ordered' allowing iteration of objects in a specific order via an expression, eg. ascending Y coordinate
    • [CHANGE] Pressing enter when inline editing now closes the window


    The addition of the Export Wizard - when you export - means python modules can be individually picked, and that installers can be created for your games and applications.

    There have also been many changes to the save/load system to hopefully prevent corruption, and many UI changes to the event wizard and picture editor.

    • [ADD] Export Wizard to allow picking of python modules used
    • [ADD] Installer creation to Export; handles license, picking install path and bundled files
    • [ADD] Option to export as screensaver
    • [ADD] Warning to export if preview is already running
    • [ADD] Context menu to MDI tabs
    • [ADD] Button to make Picture Editor background go black
    • [FIX] '&' removed from object names preventing Mouse & Keyboard breaking Python and having syntax errors in expression editor
    • [FIX] ACE filter now non case-sensitive
    • [FIX] Object icons now not mixed in insert object dialog when making applications
    • [FIX] Memory leak in Event Wizard
    • [CHANGE] .cap save/load stability - should help avoid corruption or at least improve reproducability
    • [FIX] Crash using some tools on icons in Picture Editor
    • [FIX] Out of VRAM in Picture Editor now gives errors instead of a crash


    Many new plugins are available, faciliating existing and new operations - such as shadows. HTTP allows direct and very easy interaction with all sorts of web forms, and Particles (3 demos in uploads) can work with thousands of particles a second with no slow down.

    • [ADD] Light object for casting dynamic 2D shadows from objects with Shadow Caster behavior
    • [ADD] Particles object, for spraying large numbers of particles efficiently
    • [ADD] HTTP object to faciliate POST and GET requests very easily
    • [ADD] Sprite: Skew horizontally/vertically added and actions/expressions to modify at runtime
    • [ADD] New Bar Chart control for easy charting
    • [ADD] New CRC32 plugin for verifying the integrity of files and strings and to check if they're the same
    • [ADD] New Text Manipulator plugin for string and file I/O operations relating to text
    • [ADD] Destructible terrain - 'Update collision mask' in canvas object - paste sprites with Erase effect to cut holes
    • [ADD] Set visible to Edit
    • [ADD] 'Download to string' to Download object to easily retrieve web pages and update files for example
    • [ADD] Load file as an expression to File object
    • [ADD] Mouse & Keyboard: Set/Get mouse X/Y in screen coordinates
    • [ADD] Tool window property to Layout, and layout names displayed correctly in popups
    • [FIX] Memory leak in Image
    • [FIX] Problems in INI
    • [FIX] Styles in List object now work together
    • [FIX] Double-clicking canvas, text objects now edits them
    • [FIX] 'Is on layer' now 1-based, can accept layer name as string
    • [FIX] Texturing on 3D boxes should now be correct


    Various crashes and optimisations in the runtime, with the reported SOL and triggering bugs (with DirectSound) fixed.

    • [FIX] Memory leak in runtime
    • [FIX] Change to CRunObject size in python runtime
    • [FIX] Crash with >10,000 objects on screen (no limit is in place so you can freely create many more)
    • [FIX] 'For Each' was not picking associated movements/containers, causing crashes
    • [FIX] Object picking was not always working properly in event groups
    • [FIX] Testing collisions with families did not pick the right objects
    • [OPT] Further vertex buffer optimisations to display engine (should now render large numbers of sprites faster)
    • [FIX] 'Start of Layout' and other triggers double-triggering in some cases
    • [FIX] Bugs in quicksave/quickload
    • [CHANGE] Debugger window moves out of the way by default