Ashley's Forum Posts

  • I don't see how it's my responsibility to get it working under Wine... if Wine is missing something that breaks Construct, isn't it the Wine developers who should fix that...?

  • Gullanian is absolutely right - hell, if a thousand people put in $10 each, I'd start work on an Android native exporter right away! HTML5 can do it in a browser, but Android native does have some advantages: you can run it offline, from the phone itself, without going through a browser; it can go fullscreen; you can probably use OpenGL ES and all its features; you can access the phone's native functionality which you can't get through a browser. Same for iOS. HTML5 is a quick way to get basic platform coverage, there are still some advantages to running native (just like the desktop runtime would have advantages due to running natively). So it's a perfectly valid suggestion. This is how it's supposed to work - someone wants that, and now other people can pledge funds towards it too. It's a lot of work though, so would probably need a lot more pledges to attract developer attention than, say, a smaller feature.

    I don't see what you mean about GPL... can't see a problem there. If the developer wants to sell their work after receiving all the pledge money, that's a bit trickier - however, for a smaller unit of work like a plugin, the pledge hopefully would serve as a fair one-time payment for the development work.

  • I haven't looked at Impact in detail, but it's interesting. However, it appears to require you to write the entire game in Javascript, which means it falls in to the category of scripting tools - C2 is mainly about its event system.

  • There's no way yet, but a good workaround in the mean time would be to nick the texture of an existing sprite - the texture_img member of the Sprite type is a browser Image class for the texture. For example, this.runtime.types["MySprite"].texture_img would get the image for a sprite called "MySprite", which you can then put in the DOM somewhere.

  • Hi all,

    I've found an interesting site called Fundry. It allows users to pledge money towards the development of specific features.

    If you pledge money to a feature, when it is completed, everyone who pledged money is notified. Pledgers can then accept or reject the feature. Then:

    • If over half the pledgers accept, everyone's money is paid.
    • If under half of the pledgers accept, those who rejected the feature get their money back - but the dev still gets the pledges from those who accepted the feature.

    You can read more on the official About page.

    You can find the Construct 2 Fundry page here. I think a good experiment would be to run this for a while and see if it works. I suppose it might be nice for you guys if you can pledge money to the development of a specific feature you want, rather than just a general "payment" for Construct 2. And it's a nice extra motivator for devs

    I think it would be excellent to get plugin (and exporter?) developers on board as well: a third party dev could propose a plugin (or even a whole exporter), interested users pledge money, then when it's completed the developer can be paid. I think this should be done centrally through the Scirra fundry account to keep it all in one place - interested devs can post up their ideas, then when it's done, I'll send them the pledges that came in. (If you do this get in touch with me first so I know in advance where the funds are going!) This way other developers can make a bit on the side, too, as reward for their hard work.

    Anyone can post new feature requests, so feel free to go there now and start making requests and pledging funds if you're interested. Obviously we're still pre-alpha, so this might not really get going till the software is more mature, but I may as well leave it running in the mean time.

    How does that sound to you all? A good alternative funding scheme? And possibly making plugin devs happy?

  • <gpl discussion>

    Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. I guess GPL v3 isn't really applicable to C2 and GPL v2 will do just fine.

    However, I checked the sources, and the boilerplate is already there! I unknowingly pasted it in to every source file without really reading it:

    [quote:120z746m]// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

    // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

    // (at your option) any later version.

    So I guess it is exactly what you described already! Thanks for clearing up the GPL v3 issue though, now I'm pretty sure we've done the right thing with licensing.

    (Note: despite what I said about the exporter being BSD, I checked the sources and they say GPL - woops! I'll relicense it to BSD today, it's all my code so it's straightforward)

    kwarn: I understand your concerns but I've already described our rationale in the open letter to the community - I don't really have anything to add on top of that, I'm afraid.

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  • IGPs get the job done providing they have decent drivers. I think the driver support is much better now - historically IGPs had very much half-baked drivers which made them seem glitchy.

  • There isn't an official list, but private variables and the image editor seem to be the most sorely missed. What do you think should be next? I'm open to everyone's feedback on this. Tell me what you need most.

  • I'm not sure, I haven't used an "old" video card in ages. I think the install base of half-decent graphics cards is now nearly everyone. DirectX and OpenGL seem to be equally well supported now.

  • I really can't think of a good answer to that question. Sorry. I'm going to have to leave it as an unknown.

  • Download Construct 2 public preview 26.2

    Link to release 26

    Minor update, mainly to fix the help links to point to a new wiki we set up - now hosted on our server, without ads. Writing a bit on the wiki would be a good way to help the project - but don't forget functionality may change in future releases!

    If you haven't read it yet, don't forget to read Welcome to the Construct 2 public preview!


    • [CHANGE] Help links now redirect to a hosted wiki
    • [CHANGE] Altered some of the pay-what-you-want wording.
    • [FIX] The pay-what-you-want bar screwed up other information bars (e.g. inserting Keyboard object).
  • I've moved all these to the bug tracker now, so check that for currently active bugs. Unstickied.

  • Ashley, thanks. I ask because I am looking at the Construct 3 code and wondering about the feasibility of a Qt port ... do you think any of the IDE code could be preserved in switching to Qt or is it all too bound to MFC?

    It's pretty tightly bound up in MFC. You could recycle some parts, like the renderer and project model, but anything to do with UI will probably be tied up in MFC. It'd be tricky, but don't underestimate having all the algorithms and design sorted out - that should make it a fair bit easier than just going from scratch from the file format.

    [quote:4bgcvlai]Also: the split GPL/BSD licensing you describe makes a lot of sense-- it does seem though like this would possibly prevent, for example, copying OpenGL rendering code out of the IDE and into a hypothetical exe exporter?

    Each source file has a license pasted at the top - and the renderer code is intentionally licensed BSD as well, for this purpose.

    [quote:4bgcvlai]Another small thing. A note in one of the files mentions GPL 3-- will it be GPL 3 only, then, or will GPL 2 be also available?

    I'm not actually clear on the difference between GPL 2 and 3 - if someone can describe exactly why GPL 3 would be a bad thing for Construct 2, I can re-license it to GPL 2.

  • C2 launches the image editor associated with the right-click 'edit' command on .png files. If you change this in Windows, it will change the editor C2 launches. Windows' default is MS Paint, but it can be changed by any program you install.

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