Ashley's Forum Posts

  • Jayjay's right, just drag in the file from windows to the layout and it will create a sprite. That's probably the easiest way.

    We're still in alpha and doing all the coding so I'm afraid there aren't any docs yet - we've got plans to come up with docs soon though. C2 relies on external editors because we haven't finished the built in editor yet (see the FAQ).

    I'm guessing what happens is:

    • C2 opens Paint to edit a temporary file (this is how it's done at the moment),
    • you click Open,
    • Paint loads a different file,
    • you click save and Paint re-saves the file you opened, not the temporary file so the temporary file is left empty,
    • you close paint and click OK and C2 loads the blank temporary file.

    Another workaround might be to open a different instance of Paint, and copy-paste the image in to the Paint that C2 launched. The same thing might be easier (and also lets you use alpha) if you install Paint.NET.

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  • Download Construct 2 public preview 44

    Link to release 43

    This is a maintenance release, with some changes and fixes that seemed important.

    Note there are two minor breaking changes: see the changelog for more.


    • [Add] Custom movement: 'Push out at angle' action
    • [Add] Tiled background: 'Hotspot' property. Can select top left or center. Previously center was default, but now top left is, because it makes it a bit easier to size a tiled background to fill the layout. Breaking change: because top-left is the new default, old applications will load tiled backgrounds with the hotspot in the top left. The fix is easy: select any tiled backgrounds, set hot spot back to center, and save.
    • [Change] Tiled background: initial size is now double the size of the texture, so you can see the tiling effect immediately on inserting.
    • [Change] Array: 'For Each Element' now allows you to specify which axes to iterate: X, XY or XYZ. For example, if you have a 3D array and only want to iterate elements in 2D, choose 'XY'. Breaking change: this will make old applications using 'For Each Element' not run the event. They will appear as "For each {0} element". To fix, double click to edit each 'For Each Element' condition in the event sheet, select X, XY or XYZ, and click Done.
    • [Change] The event wizard now remembers parameters when you edit, go back twice, change the object, then select the same action/condition. Previously they reverted back to defaults.
    • [Change] The installer will prompt you to close Construct 2 if it is running. (It will only detect this version and up though, not old versions.)
    • [Change] The installer will prompt you to uninstall an old version of Construct 2 if one is already installed. If you confirm, it will automatically uninstall the old version for you. Note: because it did not do this before, if you installed r43 to a different directory to r42, you now have two installations of Construct 2 on your computer. Before installing this version, I recommend you uninstall C2 via control panel, then manually find any previous installation directories and delete them. Then you can install this build. Otherwise, you might get confused between which version of C2 is really running.
    • [Change] The installer now creates file associations for .capx and .caproj files, to open with the version you are installing. Previously the editor tried to set file associations on startup, but this did not seem to work reliably. The setup-created file associations also work for limited user accounts.
    • [Fix] System conditions 'Every' and 'Compare time' and the Scroll To behavior's 'Shake' action were not affected by the time scale.
    • [Fix] Touch object: had same parallax bug for 'on object touched' and 'is touching object' as Mouse had in the last build - this is now also fixed for touches.
    • [Fix] Rare bug where renaming an event sheet broke includes
  • Thanks for spreading the word... it's a great way to help us, suggesting CC/C2 on other forums. However, you shouldn't be surprised to get responses like this. Construct isn't the right tool for everybody - sometimes for someone's particular case, a different tool may be a better fit. You're not going to be able to persuade every single person ever to use Construct.

    Perhaps this user was looking for a tool that they could import an existing Game Maker project in to, because they did a lot of work on it. As far as they're concerned, it's possible other tools are compatible with Game Maker projects, but if not, they're not interested. You shouldn't get frustrated - although they weren't super clear, that's a reasonable position.

    However, other forum lurkers may read the thread and try out Construct! I see in our site referrers we do actually get a lot of hits from forums where Construct is mentioned in passing like that - even if nobody directly replies - so it still works! Also, Google counts it as an extra mention on the internet, and possibly another inbound link to our site, which helps our page rank. So it's still great to mention us around - just don't be forceful, remain respectful and understanding of the tools people use - and keep spreading the word!

  • OK, I think I'll remove the automatic association from the editor and make the setup create the association in the next build.

  • Why are tiledbackgrounds more efficient than sprites? Sounds like its best to use them for anything static.

    It's the same rules as Construct Classic. Grids of sprites are incredibly inefficient at two things: rendering, and collisions.

    For rendering, graphics cards are very good at repetitions and can draw a tiled background of any size in about the same time it takes to draw a single sprite. However, if you have a grid of sprites, they're all drawn separately (because it isn't aware that their positions and angles align to make a grid).

    So if you have a 20x20 grid of sprites on-screen, it draws 400 times slower than if you had a tiled background the same size. It could have rendered an entire tiled background by the time it's finished rendering the first sprite in the grid of 400. That's a pretty massive performance hit. So, always use tiled backgrounds wherever you can!

    Secondly, for collisions there is a similar case. To test if an object overlaps another one, it generally has to test if it overlaps any of its instances. A tiled background counts as one instance, and again a 20x20 grid of sprites counts as 400 instances. So instead of making 1 collision check, it makes 400. Again, 400 times slower.

    Imagine if your grid is bigger than 20x20! Even worse! Once more for luck: always use tiled backgrounds wherever you possibly can!

    However, it appears to be making a sprite for each and every value in the array.

    ceil(random(0, 1)) is almost always 1, because ceil(0.0000001) is still 1. It will only ever be 0 when random(0, 1) returns exactly 0, which is basically never, because there are a lot of possible values between 0 and 1!

    You should also know that 'for each element' also triggers once for every element in a 3D array, including repeating the event for each element down the Z axis. If you have a 128x128x32 array, For Each Element is repeating the event 32 times for each 2D cell, which you probably don't want...

  • No worries about copyright! Looks good

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  • Phobos - you're right it's possible to compensate for the time scale by dividing/multiplying all the speed, accelerations etc., but it's often inconvenient. It's also impossible when the time scale is 0, because your dts are all 0 so there's no way to recover any other time scale. With this release, though, you can pause the game by setting the time scale to 0, but still have an animated pause menu by setting a time scale of 1.0 for all the objects involved in the pause menu. I thought it was worth a dedicated feature, anyway.

  • Hey Ash. I can't seem to get the 'CurrentXYZ' expressions to work. Here's a cap... Should this make a grid of tiles, or am I missing something?

    You just made a little mistake, your 'update' event runs before the 'initialise' event, and the array defaults to all zero!

    Just a warning: creating grids of sprites is extremely inefficient! You should definitely use a tiled background as a base, and only create sprites for tiles which are different on top of that, and even then you should still use tiled backgrounds wherever possible.

  • I thought I'd just check, because I seem to have had the occasional problem with this my end.

    Does Construct 2 correctly associate .capx and .caproj files in Windows Explorer? It ought to set the file association when the editor starts up, but I'm not sure it always does. Once you've run the Construct 2 editor, double-clicking a .capx file should never ask you which program you want to launch - by then it should know to launch Construct 2.

    Is this working for everybody?

  • Adobe want to keep Flash alive and Microsoft want to keep Silverlight alive - they'll probably coexist with HTML5 for a couple of years (while declining) before the web catches up and makes them redundant.

  • There seems to be a lot of hacking going on these days - at least they're definitely proving the point everyone needs to batten down the hatches and make sure their websites and software are secure

  • - There is also no "change motion angle" action.

    Isn't that equivalent to the "Angle of motion: Set" action? I changed some terminology along the way to try and make it clearer. As for the other points, I'll see if I can add the omissions for the next release.