arturradukevic453's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • > I'm not sure if the following will solve your issue but I've been recommended buy Kaspersky support to uninstall the previous version and install the new one.

    > Said that, I do recommend first to clean up all your browsers cache because I don't have any problem with C3 with the new Kaspersky.


    > If still the problem occur please try to uninstall the antivirus and be sure to remove Kaspersky configuration while uninstalling and install it again from scratch.


    > If doesn't work please open a ticket with Kaspersky support.

    Cleared the cache and it worked. Not sure if it's because of that or firefox just got it's stuff together, but thanks man. :]

    tell me that is, clearing the cache, can it only help if there are no glitches in C3? right?

    Thank you

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  • nerdError I have yet another suggestion (sorry for spamming).

    A keyboard shortcut to reload from folder:

    It would be nice to have an option to automatically reload it too.

    Hello. is there an extension for VS Code, tell me

  • 2 posts