Artpunk's Forum Posts

  • I believe you wont have to worry about them going live while testing as long as you have them enabled under information page. They go live on official release so you should be set to go on the next test.

    Ok well, looking at those screen caps I posted, it looks like they are enabled right? The toggle is green...

    Do you know how I would enable GameCenter for the current beta? Do I need to actually add that ipa version on the App information page or something?

    ...For ios, you used intel xdk with cranberry's iap plugin? or

    Im using XDK for both iOS and Android. And in both cases Cranberry Cordova IAP with the same code / event system.

  • How did you get iap to work on ios? my iap is still not working on android wondering if i messed up the installed plugins page by using c2's exported config file

    Ok so im using the CordovaIAP and my events are exactly the same for both Android and iOS. It turned out I didnt have to make any platform specific changes. Keep in mind I have it working in Beta only for iOS, it hasn't passed submission yet. But on Android it seems to be working with no problem. To see how I arranged my events, look at this post I made here. I was basically informed by those two capx files I posted on page 2 of this thread.

    RE Cocoon and config file. Yeah its possible that when you uploaded a new zip, if it contained the config file generated by C2 it could have interfered with the config file Cocoon produces. Its been a while since i was playing with Cocoon, im trying to remember the process. I think when you first set up your project on Cocoon, you copy sections of the C2 config file into the Cocoon config. Then from that point on, everytime you upload an updated zip to Cocoon you need to delete the C2 config prior... and the intelxdk.config.additional.xml file too. AndreasR wrote a tute for how to set up on Cocoon... Look under the 'Build your game' and 'Create a project' sections.

  • Hey man thanks heaps for the help.

    Ok im testing exactly as you describe. I upload a beta version for External Testing. It takes around 24hrs to be reviewed. Then I can test it in TestFlight (I have my External Testers emails added to the list).


    I *think* the problem might be what you said in the second part of your response, that the GameCenter stuff needs to be live. I dont have a Leaderboard I only have achievments.

    If I go to 'App Store' and click on the Version, then scroll down to where it has GameCenter info. It looks like this:

    Looks like GameCenter is active? The toggle is green...


    But if I go to Features > GameCenter, I can see that the Achievements say 'Not Live'...


    So... Im thinking, the version I am trying to beta test is 1.0.3, and I need to make the achievements 'Live' for that version... but I dont know how to do that.

  • authenticate should be working i usually activate it at start of layout on titlepage but i tested this on intel xdk not

    Wait, you are using the official GameCenter plugin (Not Cranberry's) and it works for you? I am also using XDK not Cocoon.

    Im doing exactly that, I authenticate at start of title screen but it doesnt work. The player doesn't get logged in.

    Can I ask about your setup in iTunesConnect? You're testing this using the beta testing right? TestFlight > External Testing? Or are you using 'Internal Testing'?

    Do you have a user account added to User's and Roles > Sandbox Testers. Do you use that account to test the GameCenter functionaility or is that unnecessary?

  • oh no i meant what does it show for you in the installed section of the plugins page for cocoon

    heres what i mean. I get the git url automatically for iap if i keep the config file from exporting from construct 2

    Well if you want to use Cranberry's Cordova iAP then you'll need to link to the associated git url. But if you use the Cocoon iAP plugin, youll want to remove any reference to Cranberry's. Many of the plugins in the screencap Cocoon just ads by default, you need them.

  • ...So I switched to using the Cranberrygame CordovaiAP plugin. I have that working for Android, but I haven't yet succeeded in getting it to work for iOS.

    I'll be working on this exact problem today. I *think* other people have the CordovaiAP working on iOS, but im currently looking into it.

    So I have CordovaiAP working on iOS. Now im having trouble connecting to GameCenter for achievements.

    I think I can say categorically that the official GameCenter plugin doesnt work. It wont authenticate the user.

    Im using it exactly as it says in the manual:

    On start of layout > authenticate user

    Doesn't authenticate, so im switching to Cranberry's CordovaGame... see if that works.

  • If you're using Cocoon you have options. As far as I understand Cranberry's Cordova plugins will work with Cocoon, but they also have their own plugins for all the essential stuff (GooglePlay, iAP, Ads). So you choose which plugins you want to use. I was testing out Cocoon a while back and I had it working well with the following plugins:

    -Cranberry Chartboost plugin for ads

    -Cranberry GoogleAnalytics plugin (has since stopped working, needs to be updated by Cranberry)

    -Cocoon's Google Play plugin to do achievements.

    At that time I wasn't testing iAPs so I can't comment on that.

  • ...The one thing that confuses me is where to get the "Android Application License Key " for the CordovaIAP. One post says its the super long key that says:


    Base64-encoded RSA public key to include in your binary. Please remove any spaces. in the Services & APIs.

    Another one says its a 16 digit number. Couldn't get neither to work....

    Its the first one you mention. The super long one. Thats the number Im using in the CordovaIAP and I actually have that working in the Android version of my game.

    If you couldnt get either to work it must be due to how you have the events for iAP set up in your game project.

    Did you see the links I posted to example capx's a few posts back. They are helpful for demonstrating how to set up the events for iAP. Check em out if you havent already and copy how they implement iAP.

  • alright awesome i guess ill purchase the cranberry pack and check out iap as well and see if i can get ios to work too

    This thread had some useful information:

    Official IAP Trigger Events Not Working Dec 2015

    OP said he managed to get the official iAP working by swapping 'on purchase success' conditions for 'has product'.

    I tried what he describes, and tried to copy his event system that he outlines, but with no success.

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  • The first few times i built with xdk i got errors, mostly with the androidinappbilling. I actually took out the cordovagame and it went away.

    About this problem I think that error is related to the iAP object, not the CordovaGame plugin which is used for connecting with GooglePlay, Leaderboards and Achievements.

    Which plugins do you have added in XDK currently? And which iAP are you currently trying to get working, the official iAP object or Cordova iAP?

    Another thing to check, do you have an account set up on Google Payment Center? In the Dev Console there's a link at the bottom of the screen under 'Useful Tools'. You have to set up an account in there to be able to receive payments. If you didnt have that account set up, *maybe* that could be causing your error?

  • I was unable to get the official iAP object working. According to posts I read on the forum some of the conditions don't work with the offical iAP, like 'On purchase success'. According to a post I read by Kyatric you can get it working by using the 'has product id' condition, but I wasn't able to get it working with that.

    So I switched to using the Cranberrygame CordovaiAP plugin. I have that working for Android, but I haven't yet succeeded in getting it to work for iOS.

    I'll be working on this exact problem today. I *think* other people have the CordovaiAP working on iOS, but im currently looking into it.

    Two useful example capx files can be found in this tutorial by Kyatric and the 'CordovaInApp' example posted by

    These two files should give you an idea of how to set up the events to get iAP working.

    I'd be very interested to hear advice from anyone who has the CordovaiAP working with iOS.

  • Hi thanks for noting that, I've taken it off GooglePlay while I get an iAP ready to remove ads. In updated version should be available very soon.

  • damjancd just curious, if you want to keep using, have you tried compiling with WebView+ rather than canvas+ ?

  • Well Ive done those steps you describe in your guide, Ive been testing my game in Testflight for a while, but im unable to test iAP or GameCenter.

    I read in another thread that I need to make my iPhone 'developer enabled' or something, and there should be an option in the iPhone's GameCenter settings to switch on Sandbox mode, but I dont have that option on my device...

  • Well written and detailed tutorials AndreasR! These will help a lot of people!

    ...Even if you need a tutorial for a specific part, just let me know!

    Any chance you'd consider expanding the iTunes tutorial to demonstrate how to set up testing with Sandbox?

    I'm currently trying to figure out how test iAPs and GameCenter functionality with Sandbox and finding it pretty challenging..