Artpunk's Forum Posts

  • I'm currently looking for a dev to port rex's Light Behavior to C3 (C3 runtime). I posted in the jobs subforum. It would be a paid commission if anyone is interested.

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  • Would anyone be able to convert rexrainbow's Light Behaviour for C3 runtime?

    I want to make some lasers and this behaviour would be pretty useful I think.


    Im prepared to pay for this. I made a thread in the jobs subforum.

  • > > vozman100 , I think two month.. :)


    > Hey macube i was wondering how is the income from fb instant games? Have you published the same games on mobile?

    Artpunk Facebook Instant Games has more income as directly from google play. The biggest problem on google play is, when you have no money for advertising, your count of players is very low.

    Ok thanks for sharing.

  • vozman100 , I think two month.. :)

    Hey macube i was wondering how is the income from fb instant games? Have you published the same games on mobile?

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  • Hello all!

    Does anyone have any experience using Sprite fonts with non-Latin character sets. I'm working on getting my game translated into Chinese, Japanese and a few other languages with non-Latin characters sets.

    * One option is to get a list of every character used and put all the characters from every language in one giant sprite font, but I imagine it'd be way too large.

    * I wish there was some sort of "Load sprite for sprite font" action.

    * But otherwise I think it'd be good to have one sprite font per language. I have something kinda working with families, but it's very complicated with two English sprite fonts

    Any other ideas? Thanks!!

    Hey man, I made a good system for selecting multiple languages in my last game. You can see it here.

    I had one spritefont for English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and then one spritefont for each of Russian, Korean, Japanese and Simplified Chinese.

    You've probably found it already, but if not the Sprite Font Generator (GYFM) tool made by blackhornet does most of the hard work for you.

    You need the character set for each language. The way I was generating this was to get all your game's text for one language into a text document (every phrase, button caption paragraph of text your game contains) then copy paste it into the GYFM text field. The program automatically removes duplicate characters. Then it generates a png of your characters and spacing data you can enter into the C3 spritefont plugin.

    You also need to find a font that contains all the characters you need (not all fonts will contain korean, japanese, chinese characters etc). And your chosen font also needs to look good when scaled down and turned into a sprite font. Arial Unicode has every language I think, and looks ok at low point size.

    Then in your game, you can load your character set from a file into a dictionary depending on what language the player selects. Then at the start of each layout where you have text to display, load the text from the dictionary.

  • Ok thanks fredriksthlm I'll be working on getting my games onto IG over next few days.

    Can I ask if you've had much success with your games? How's the revenue?

  • Has anyone had any success publishing on FB Instant Games? Im working on getting a couple of games onto FB and just wondering how the income compares to mobile?

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  • > Cool


    > As for the adverts loading, I've test again, and yes, it's definitely showing the last fully loaded advert:


    > > Load Interstitial Ad Event

    > > Load Reward Video Ad Event

    > (Interstitial Ad Loading complete)

    > > Show Ad [this shows the Interstitial Ad, as the Reward Video Ad is not fully loaded]

    > (Reward Video Ad Loading complete)

    > > Load Interstitial Ad Event

    > > Show Ad [this shows the Reward Video Ad, as the second Interstitial Ad is not fully loaded]

    > (Interstitial Ad Loading complete)


    > SOLUTION: We need 2 types of "Show Ad" events. One for Interstitial, one for Reward Video Ad.


    Hey Ashley, any thoughs on it?

    Was this ever addressed? Is it still the case that you can't specify which ad type to show?

  • You are not allowed to use Facebook API in an Instant Game. No other API at all are allowed for fetching user data.

    So you should not use the FB plugin at all.

    (You should fetch the player photo via Instant Games plugin instead)

    Are you sure about that fredriksthlm? I was reading a tutorial here that says to add the Facebook plugin as well as the instant games plugin to your C3 project.

    You're saying only the Instant Games plugin is needed?

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  • Great game! How did you manage to use the entire screen on iphone X? I can't get it to work with my games.

    Hey thanks. If it works well on iPhone X that would be pure luck! I didnt do any testing on iPhone X or do anything specific to make it work for that device.