artheads's Forum Posts

  • Hi

    Hi, thanks for the great plugin first of all!

    Is there anyway to get a fake "3D-look" of walls?

  • This plugin works nicely. I just tried making an isometric dungeon by putting down an object for every wall, door, and floor in the appropriate isometric position, and it turned out great.

    Hi, can you please explain, how did you use the plugin to create isometric map? What I need to do to achieve same result exactly?

  • And ok, we can generate objects using Z-depth and size increasing, but what we can do with a textured floor moving in front of us?

  • Basically I would simulate a Z depth for every object with an instance variable that starts at 0 (farthest away) and gradually increases. This Z would be used as a multiplier for size so it looks like objects get bigger as they get closer to you, as well as a modifier for position. It would also be used to set conditions for collisions, such as if the player and object are around the same depth.

    Sorry I don't have an example or actual numbers, the math is beyond me to put together quickly.

    Thanks, yes I have similar thoughts about it.

    Anyway it would be great if someone can share any sketches devoted to this theme.

  • Yes, possible, but the math involved could be quite difficult.

    Thanks for reply, but maybe you can put in more details?

  • Is it possible to make on C2 such thing like the city in this game https:// ?

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  • Yes, it is possible to set ad bar on export from C2. But I looking for overlapping (overlay) solution - similar to Admob ads in app.

  • Any ways to do it? Or may be there are other ad networks which works with hosted HTML5 games built with Construct 2?

  • Nice to hear

  • Hi, it's easy. Take a look at my example:

  • Hi there, I've used many times "Touch Gamma Orientation" for the player controls in my games with portrait orientation, but I got problems in game with landscape orientation. Is there any solution for that?

  • Make the enemy also have the solid behavior and you can jump off or bounce off them.

    Thanks mate, it works like a charm now!

  • You can if they have the solid behavior but how are you using more than one platformer object in your game?

    If you have more than one platformer they will all respond to movement controls?

    Your questions asked how to bounce solids. Solids are not a platformer with movement behaviors but platformers can also be solids.

    So I would have to see your capx to see what you are doing?

    yes, I've attached capx with starter message, but I'll repeat it here:

    So, I have 1 platformer object as a player with non default controls, and another platformer object as enemy that is controlled by events.

  • >

    > > When they collide you can simulate jump and set the angle of the jump which looks like a bounce.

    > > On Player collison with Object: Simulate player Jump, Set angle whatever.

    > >


    > Thanks it's really helps, I've implemented such relationships with solids, but how to bounce of other sprites with platform behaviour?


    Same way- they will still register a collision. You may want to make both platform objects jump if they are moveable objects.

    But objects with platform behaviour can jump only on solid floors isn't it? Anyway sprites with platform behaviour doesn't jump of each other...