Arne's Forum Posts

  • Yes it can be worth looking into. It is based on Cloud code that can be called from the plugin in the current implementation.

    The only thing that worries me is that using Cloud code will definitely require some more knowledge from the plugin user. Maybe that is an other topic but how much can you expect a normal plugin user to be able to code outside C2?

  • One of the things that most often go wrong is that the Closure Compiler trashes your code at export with minify.

    After this hard lesson you start writing everything with literals like MyExternalLib["activateAFunctionButMisplelled"] and it still will not work, but you don't notice that and spent some quality time debugging.

    But there is a solution that is already used for C2 standard plugins and that is to use a externs.js file. So this is something I would like for 3pp plugins as well.

    With that I can fully use both code completion and JSHint/JSLint type syntax checkers. If you are doing a large and complex plugin that is really an advantage.

    I have gone from using Notepad++ to Brackets and now WebStorm and finally it's easy to write javascript again. WebStorm will index C2s all system files and give you code completion for everything. Well almost everything, the edittime.js needs special handling so I did a "library" for that here:

  • pirx I have not seen anything else than Facebook authentication (a problem with being owned by Facebook maybe...).

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  • omateos As this topic is for my plugin i just want to make sure that you are actually using the official admob in C2 and not this plugin. We are using this plugin and it works fine for C2 r190.

  • frenzyace You need to delete the plugin folder manually, I don't know of any automatic way to do it.

    As an example my plugin folder for admobfe is located here: D:\Apps\Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\admobfe

  • hassiba Are you looping over properties in an object or over an array? I assume you have read this ... s/

  • I tested with the JSON style input and it's very easy from the plugin side, more or less just a single line to get the array. However the 14 double quotes to get 11 characters in is a bit hard to put that syntax on the user. So I would probably just keep this as a last resort.

    Having several actions and push the items one by one gets more complicated as I am already in a transaction flow and the array is also connected to a property.

    All my actions in the flow is already standalone so I need to setup a sub flow just for this. From a user point of view this method seems fairly natural, just need to understand if the action is an AND or an OR for values(filters in my case).

    My current test implementation is a simplified "CSV" method to get all values in one action. There is some special parsing involved, but not that much.

    But what I really want of course is a AddAnyTypeArrayParam()

  • I tested to use a JSON string as the input but could not get pass the input syntax checker.

    First test for reference, this was an expected fail:

    Next, use single quotes as string input, not allowed:

    Ok, let's escape the double quotes, that might work, but no:

    Single quotes are not allowed as string in JSON and will also break the runtime right away.

    More ideas needed.

  • hmott Sent you a mail.

    But basically we are using the new way of installing plugins by just drag and drop of the "c2addon" file onto Construct2.

  • I am on my pad now so i can't check but will the parameter input really accept {xxxx}?

  • From the next level seems to be $200 for an extra 20GB.

  • I need to get an array of values, like ["First","second","more,"etc"], into an action. The way I tried was to add several AddAnyTypeParam() calls but that will limit the number of values and give a lot of maybe unused input fields.

    If I use a single free form entry I need to parse the input and handle all strange inputs. I also need to explain the format to the user.

    Any thoughts how handle this?

  • New version now include Parse Analytics, track every thing your users do.

    With the new Parse Cloud Code support you can deploy and run any code in the Parse backend. This requires some Javascript knowledge.

    Happy Parsing,


  • Work's on Cocoonjs?

    I don't know, haven't tested it on Cocoonjs. It will probably work as there are no DOM modifications or other special browser actions, but I don't know the exact limitations of CocoonJS.

  • This looks awesome! Are you planning to implement Parse Analytic and Push as well ?


    We don't have any immediate plans for Analytics or Push but might consider it if there is some interest.