armed10's Forum Posts

  • You don't see any issues with multiple forks of plugs named Scrollto?

    But there would be just one repo. An official one, maintained by Scirra, which you can contribute to.

    Just for the record...a quality camera w/ shaking and literally anything else you can think of can be done quite effortlessly with events and no behaviors.

    My example is very poor and clearly missing the point. However, I think there is value in letting this community contribute to the tool they love.

  • In a way thats what already happens.

    Someone makes a suggestion, and Scirra will make a change.

    Using someone elses code is unlikely, as they would have to then buy the rights to publish that code.

    There is no reasonable way to do that without some weird contract.

    Change our code, and then we will use it, and not give you anything..., can't happen.

    Do you know what Github is?

  • Its about backward compatibility. Something like a fork of an official plug would be hard to maintain, and Scirra can't guarantee it as always usable.

    You may have misunderstood, my idea was that there should be an official repo of each plugin where everyone can add features, which can be pulled by the Scirra team if they deem them to be good enough.

  • I would like to propose an idea that I had a while ago:

    Instead of keeping the default plugins that come with Construct 2 to the bare minimum, why not set up a repo for these plugins and allow other developers to expand the official release through things like pull requests?

    Allow me to explain my issues with the current situation:

      - Some plugins provide the bare minimum needed, but for a lot of projects they fall short.
      • There isn't an easy way of keeping up with all the plugins, and installing them can be a hassle.
      • The official plugins are open source, or at least, they are readable .js files
      • Not everyone knows how to program javascript, and Construct 2 is all about bringing game development to non-programmers.
      • Duplicating the official plugins is advised against due to the fact that they do not get the updates that the Scirra teams apply (they aren't maintained).

    I would like to leave you with the next example:

    ScrollTo is the only camera plugin. It does one thing, keep all the object that have this behavior within the view.

    I was watching "the art of screenshake" by Jan-Willem from Vlambeer, and he made some good points about the impact of the camera on "game feel". For a few projects I had to edit the ScrollTo with the very basic function of having an offset. For a project like Luftrausers where they have a super dynamic camera. It makes sure you can see what's in front of you, as well as move slightly in the direction of bullets that may hit you. Only programmers would be able to have this feature. Now I know the Scirra crew works very hard and they are probably too busy to work on details like that, so why not let me do it?

    If this would be too much of a hassle for Scirra or they simply disagree, than I will create a package manager of sorts so people can submit, search, install and update plugins, like node or sublime text.

  • Maybe there's a way to use particles in combination with physics. I'm not an expert so I'm not going to make you an example but it's doable.

  • There are a few ways you can accomplish this.

    If the points are very specific, for example set by hand, you could use an Array or spawner sprite.

    • The Array Way

    -The spawner object way

    The spawner object is easier, but more resource intensive. You simply put the spawner objects where they need be.

    You could also use math, by taking into account the first random generated number to generate the second, but it all depends on what you want.

    If this doesn't make sense to you or if you wanted to place the sprites yet another way, let me know.

  • The easiest way to do it is to have a number of different pre-made splashes.

    Just create a new splash, set the frame to a random one (disable animation of course). And maybe randomize the size/rotation as well.

  • zenox98 is right. You could also try downsizing the bitrate of your music, which was the largest factor in my last project.

  • Could you elaborate on that?

    If you stored your game as a project, the layouts are in individual xml files. You could save as a single file which would give you 1 .capx file.

    You could also cut/paste all the xml into 1 layout.xml, but I doubt that will do any good, and it may ruin your entire game.

  • Well I gave it a shot. Creating the array should be done with JSON to be doable. Not by hand like I did.

    If you choose all top options, you will get 2 results, all second options and you get 1 result, all 3rd options and you also get 1 result. Everything else gives 0 results. But the mechanic works.

    If you could by any means filter these beforehand when querying the database, that would be better.

    Should you have more questions, about the capx or other. I'll be glad to answer them for you.

  • There's the option to show paralax in the editor

    This way you can see if the layers align properly.

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  • Couldn't you just check if the player is mirrored, then: Bullet->set angle of motion -> -180

    If that flips your bullet sprite upside-down, you can disable that in the bullet behavior properties (there's an option that sets the bullet sprite angle to the angle of motion). Next add:

    Bullet->set mirrored->mirrored

    To the above part (within the check player is mirrored part)

  • Overlapping at offset basically takes the collision polygon of your object, moves it according to the offset, and then checks for overlap.

    With is you can check whether you're on top of a platform by moving the collision polygon down, causing overlap only if an object is beneath you.

    deltatime is used to make operations framerate independant. To assure you check for collisions every 20ms, instead of every frame, which may vary (and miss collisions).

  • You could use a boolean like structure.

    you create a boolean variable set to false (or use 0 for false and 1 for true)

    When the enemy sees the player and the boolean is false, shoot and set the boolean to true.

    Then every x seconds, if the boolean is true shoot again.

    if the enemy can't see the player anymore, set the boolean to false again.

  • You should be able to pick a random sprite. I'm not sure whether there was a pick random but if not:

    • Generate a random number using the random function. Its max value should be the number of sprites you have in the map -1 (because of 0-index). Theres a variable for this.
    • Use the random number to get a sprite by its IID (index iD) and get its location.
    • Destroy it.