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  • Tom - if you're going to be redesigning the arcade, I think it would be a good idea to add a delete button available to the person who uploaded their game, as it's clear there are a bunch of people who want to use that ability, so we wouldn't have to delete it for them.

  • I would like ui button either for both as well, as I would prefer the preview button would preview the whole project instead of the layout. I often preview the wrong layout by forgetting to open the one I want to preview before pressing preview, making me preview twice - a process that causes increasing frustration as projects take longer to preview as projects get bigger. If I could switch the button so it's run project instead, then I could just set what layout I want to preview with a 'go to layout' action at the start of the game instead.

    In theory I could just press f4, but I in practice I just keep forgetting to because I sometimes have the right layout selected and sometimes don't. Sure, I could forget to set the layout the go to layout action is set to - and did when I was still doing that with CC - but I've been finding I preview the wrong layout in C2 way more often. If it's not too difficult a ui button for preview entire project would be appreciated.

  • It's possible, but RPGs are one of the most difficult genres to make due to so many overlapping features that need to work well together, so it's a significant task. If you're going to put so much effort into something, I also reccommend rebranding it with original content.

  • Chrome for iOS is just a reskinned version on the web view, which doesn't have acceleration for JavaScript, because apple doesn't let browser makers do differently - which is why Mozilla hasn't even bothered putting Firefox on iOS, because It would really still be a crippled version of safari made to look like Firefox. You shouldn't bother targeting ios chrome because of that.

  • This thread started before C2 existed, so the earlier stuff is all CC. Rather than make another thread for C2 specifically, I just placed this thread in both forums to keep it all in one place, as it's called "post screenshots of what you're working on," which could be either CC or C2. Besides, C2 is capable of making just about anything CC can (short of sprite distortion and some effects), so unless you come across a screenshot for quazi's thumb game, you could probably make it in C2.

  • Awesome, thanks! :)

  • The pathfinding behavior is great, but could be made even better if the regenerate obstacle map action had an option to define an area to recalculate, like having 4 input fields to define the start x, start y, end x, end y. Any cells overlapping that area would be recalculated rather than the entire layout - which seems like most of the time is unnecessary if only the stuff on screen has changed.

    What's more, users could use this to recalculate the whole layout in segments over multiple ticks, keeping the game from pausing on a large layout. It would also be better than having the recalculating happen as a web worker process like pathfinding uses, because then we could have instant same-tick access to areas we need updated immediately (on my computer it can take multiple seconds to recalculate a large layout).

    Please add this! :)

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  • Ah, yeah, the mouse wheel does work. I think it should zoom a lot more though - it took a lot of zooming to get it where I wanted. It would probably get tiring to do a lot of that every time the player wants to zoom.

    One of the ones that got shot straight through was the right most one on level 31.

  • The behavior you asking for is actually very complex in practice. The best way I've found to do it is to use pathfinding for finding the path, then use physics for moving along the path by setting the velocity.

    This creates some problems, though - like objects pushing other objects out of the way, so some objects can miss their nodes, and try to move backwards along the path to get back to them, and sometimes that involves moving through a wall and they get completely stuck, so then you need to keep the objects constantly checking for a path to their destination, but if you do it all at once on all instances every tick it can be too much CPU use and slam the framerate hard, so you have to cycle through the instances instead, only doing one per tick or such. Also there's the issue of what happens if the object can't get to a location because its already occupied by too many objects. To solve this I have the objects check how far they've moved in the past second, and if it's beneath a threshold, try to find a path again, and if that doesn't work, stop trying to move along the path.

    Maybe there's a better way of doing it, but that's how I managed it.

    However, if you only want them to not overlap when not moving rather than when moving, it's a ton easier. You could place a destination sprite at the mouse click and push it out of any objects, or you could give objects physics behavior, and disable collisions with other objects when it's moving along a path. Then when it stops moving, turn them back on again.

  • Nice, I finally get to play this! Crits mostly as they come up:

    • Crashes safari on my ipad 3 when I try to start a level.
    • Looks great, art and design all look clean and coordinated.
    • I wasn't sure what to do about the locks at first either.
    • I didn't realize I could tap the floating fruit until level 13.
    • I put the melon up through the rotating parts on level 17, and the lock on that level gets stuck when it opens if I do that. I eventually skipped it and tossed the melon directly into the basket, but I thought the game was broken for a moment and I couldn't progress because of it. Didn't know I could skip levels at that point either. Looking back, it was the floating fruit that had gotten in the way and it didn't occur to me that I could pop the bubbles that the fruit were in to get it to get them out of the way.
    • Level 18 seemed a lot more difficult than the ones before it, felt like it was mainly luck rather than skill that was needed to win that one. Didn't feel like there was enough precision with aiming to really pick a spot right ? the previous trajectory is shown, but the aiming sprite is hard to tell exactly what trajectory you're going to get and what speed in comparison to the previous shot. Kind of felt like quitting during that level. Had to retry it quite a few times. Maybe in addition to leaving dots for the trajectory, you could leave a sprite showing the previous location of the aiming sprite to help with comparing to the previous shot?
    • At least on my PC, with the browser window as a window and not maximized or full-screen (in chrome on PC), I would need to drag the mouse down off the edge of the window to get the maximum thrust upwards for launching.
    • No way to zoom when playing with a mouse (not sure if it matters, if you're only targeting touch devices)?
    • I think the level that introduces the breaking blocks should be later, at first I like the idea, then ended up disliking it by the end of the level because I tried over and over again and kept on missing getting the melon into the basket at the end, and I would have to re-break the blocks again and again to try again to get the melon into the basket.
    • I shot directly through one of the other cannons I was shooting to once and off the edge of the level.
    • There were multiple times when I would've liked to be able to cancel a launch ? I tried to do it by dragging the aiming sprite back into the pot, but it just launched it anyway.
    • Most of the way through level 37, had another issue of it shooting through a pot and not catching it, and stopped playing there. I feel like coming back to it later though.

    All and all, fun and looks great!

  • Jayjay - oh, sorry, misunderstood.

  • Jayjay - that's not really true, you can publish to the exe through node webkit.

  • Don't just compare it to the amount of ram your phone has, because you have to share that ram with the os and other apps. I read somewhere that on iOS you only get access to like something like 10% (it might have been 20%, I don't recall exactly how much memory the device had) of the device's memory!

  • I haven't answered because I don't know the answer. Tom - I seem to recall reading something about the store that said something about this, but I don't remember what it said. Any info about if users are going to be able to sell stuff on the scirra store at some point?