aridale's Forum Posts

  • Your missin somethin here each img isnt being drawn all the time... infact in that export I linked NONE of them. Not a single one of the new 168 animations are being used in it. Theyre just present in the project. Not a single one is in use on any object in the layout its tryin to load

  • the images arent exactly huge... I dont call 2x56 a huge taxing demand on any system. The entire folder is only 1.9meg and thats every img in the project. Your tellin me 1.9meg is too much for c2 to load?

    Even the exported version that makes its own sprite sheets (which are still messed up) theres only 6 its made for ALL 168 animations. Thats too much for it to load? 6 512x512 images that are less than 30k each is bringin that example I linked to its knees?

    Either somethin is very wrong here or its an internal problem with the loading aspect of c2

    As for why it has to be done that way... Theres no other way to display a certain part of a certain image on a certain object without each part being a different texture. Its for the pseudo 3d engine Ive mentioned a few times. The wall textures have to be done that way for em to be displayed.

    The only other option is to load an image from url as a sprite strip which I suggested in its own thread yesterday

  • theres not. Nothin has changed since I started adding images. It worked fine til I put in 168 different animations with 56 frames each

    Its definitely the animations... I just deleted em all but about 40 and its workin again with no issues

  • My project has about 9400 imgs (almost all of em are 2x56) and now that Ive added em all to the project not only does it load slow when I start c2 but it wont preview or run at all when exported. It just sits there forever til eventually I guess it just gives up and the canvas never loads.

    You can see the exported version here to see if itll load for you. It hasnt for me at all and Ive been tryin for 2 hours

  • thats over complicating it. All you have to do is make a global var and everytime a control is pressed append its text to that global.

    Then to see if the right combo has been entered you see if the global var = the required combo.

    To give it a time limit on input you set the global var to "" every x amount of time thats passed. The longer that time is the more time you have to input the combos

    The text your going to append to the global needs to be an identifier of the control used. Like L for left and R for right. You can use the whole name of the control like Punch or Kick but this stuff is all happening constantly so its best to keep it as short and identifiable as possible.

  • youd have to make your own dt var and cap it at 30 fps based on the actual dt.

    You might be to do it with timescale and set that to whatever ratio the real fps is to the target fps you want

  • I just export from c2 then make a new folder on my webhost and upload the exported files to that folder with filezilla. done and done.

  • Any chance we could get this added to the to do list? Then we could load an image from url and split it into individual frames. Would a lot on file size and loading/saving time by not having to store each frame in the capx. And could cut down on image loading overhead as well

  • very interesting. Ill def keep my eye on it

  • As I said in this thread

    Theres an issue with padding between the frames of animation in the automatically created sheets on export. Ashley said to provide an example capx and here it is.

    Example Capx

    You can see the issue in an exported version by clicking the text while previewing the capx or HERE

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  • yeah Id go with what naelian said. Get the height of the text (or just use a static size if it doesnt change) and then set its y to viewheight/2-(height/2)

    if the text objects hotspot is in the center thatll center it on the screen regardless of size

  • I think groups are pretty close to functions as is. Maybe add a way to change the group once its created (unless I missed it somehow once a groups created the only way to change start active or its name is to delete and remake it) and add maybe 6 optional text inputs to the group dialog to assign parameters. Then change the set group active event to allow you enter values for those parameters.

    Then treat the parameters as local vars when workin inside the group

  • I ran into that problem with get and I switched to usin the ajaxpost plugin and it worked fine and has since

    The plain and simple of this is: these just no GOOD way to do it. Period.

  • me too. Removin the include event sheets and it works again

  • its not static tho. Its saving/loading the created maps during runtime. Plus the game engine needs to be able to access em too not just the editor. So I went with php. Plus it adds the benefit that no one can read the map files and see everything they shouldnt