Arcticus's Forum Posts

  • I'll give that a go in a sec

    the reason i can't use layers for this is cause this masking thing is for a shadow idea for my iso engine and i'll need to Z layer the masks on the same layer as the playfield

    I might actually start another thread to see if people can help with my Z sorting problem although i've done that before and i still couldn't fix it

    anyway thanks for your help

  • Yeah, I dunno how to do it though

    i completely forgot all my masky stuff

    And don't get me started on Z order's lol, i'm STILL having problems with my ISO engine with Z orders

  • Hi guys me again, haven't been on here for a while.

    But I'm back into the construct and I'm wondering if it is possible to use one sprite as a mask for another sprite without using different layers?

    I'm pretty sure there is but I'm quite rusty at the moment

  • Well beta is the time to make drastic changes If you're planning to that is.

    In any case, you're a champ Ash

    Also that divide thing intrigues me, although what sort of senario would it be useful in? I'm not the greatest math mind around

  • I certainly wish physics values were scaled to pixels per second

    *bugs devs some more*

  • It would need to be set to correlate to the number of angles you would have in the animator.

    It actually wouldn't need to correlate at all, if you had any animations in angles that aren't displayed due to the object's angle constrictions, they simply just wouldn't be displayed.

    It's up to the designer to make sure the animation angles and object angles correlate

    Rich: Yay thanks man that's awesome, you guys rock

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  • I'm not sure what you mean about the properties bar, if you mean the animation editor, it's more than equiped to handle this if you ask me, i'm assuming when you say loader you mean the import image dialog, but you saying the loader isn't equiped to do it is my very point, i'm suggesting that this be added. It's really a very simple idea

    There is no need for a naming system, if you look at my suggestion i mentioned the idea, 'every X frames, create a new animation to keep importing into at the angle increment of Y degrees'

    That means, it imports X amount of frames, then creates a new angle of Y degrees, then imports the next X amount of frames into the new angle etc etc

    No naming necessary if it's told how many frames to make the next angle in, easy peasy

    X and Y are obviously variables that the user tells the import dialog

    for example, if i wanted a 10 frame animation spanning 16 directions i would tell the import dialog this:

    Every 10 frames, create a new animation angle of 22.5 degrees

    The import screen thingy would then start importing through the series of images that i had selected, creating a new angle every 10 frames.

    Viola, all the work would be done!

    I would really like to hear what the devs think of this idea because I believe it would streamline a lot of time consuming processes. Am I making myself clear about what i mean?

  • The animator bar only allows for eight different angles right now.

    I don't think it does, I have a game that already uses a 64 animation angle sprite

    You may be thinking that because there are only icons for eight directions that it only supports eight, but it actually supports an almost limitless amount of angles (you can have animation angles of 50.6534 for example)

    [quote:iyatvd2s]Then the import it self would have to have some sort of naming formula, so the images that were to be imported would all have to be renamed beforehand.

    I think you're thinking i have each animation direction as a separate file/series. But that is not the case.

    What i do when i render my animation, let's say the walk animation. In my render program i set up the walk cycle to repeat over and over, then every time one cycle is complete, i move the camera to the next angle, rinse and repeat till all directions are rendered. This one long series of animation directions is saved as a series of numbered images. This saves me making multiple renders for each direction, i just render all directions at once BECAUSE (at least in TGF/MMF days) the hotspot when importing animations is ALWAYS the centre of the FIRST image in the series (or at least the centre of all images in the series). Meaning, if i import all my animations in one go, the hotspot is in the correct place for ALL directions. Again, saving a buttload of time.

    But the suggestion i made about creating a new animation angle of Y every X frames, would DRASTICALLY reduce the whole process into one easy procedure. Leaving more time for coding rather than fiddling around with animations and hotspots

    I really don't know how it's coded but I personally don't see it as being much of a hurdle.


  • Heyo, I'm posting this in a new thread cause I don't know if many people saw it and for some reason the search isn't working so i can't find my old thread lol

    Anyways i think an AMAZING idea for the import images dialog that would reduce the time required to import sprites/animations from a file (or series) would be and option in the import image dialog that allows you to create a new angle of animation of X degrees every Y frames. This is mostly for those of us that like to render sprites, although i can see it also helping with the tileset animations too.

    For example, i have a series of images, let's say, a 64 direction animation of 10 frames per angle

    With the option i suggested, you could have like two text boxes like this:

    Every '10' frames, create a new animation angle of '5.625' degrees

    Then, the massive job of creating 64 angles then copying, pasting into new direction, deleting old frames in the currently clunky animation bar is reduced to a few seconds.

    Any dev feedback on this idea? I think it would be invaluable and hopefully not too hard to code, you would just have to check that the angle size compared to the amount of frames being imported doesn't loop around beyond 360 or something.

    I think the only person that replied to the last time i posted this idea was Quazi and he liked the idea so it MUST be good

  • I hope so, it would be interesting to make a D2 style character setup

  • I assume this awesome bone stuff is really only feasible in platform and top down games?

  • Yeah I've thought about doing that, the only problem is, what if you need multiple effects at once?

    eg: you're in some game where your like a fire mage and you're vsing some ice mage

    That would require at least two plasma objects, having multiple plamsa objects taking up the whole screen, even when they're not doing anything causes pretty massive lag

  • Those new angle things sound awesome i can't wait

    For curiousity's sake i would like to know the trig behind it, i'll most likely just dump it later for the new angle conditions, unless it's too much effort, in which case i don't mind waiting till the next build


  • Here's a cap of the problem is you don't quite get what i mean:

    WSAD to resize box, Q and E to rotate, X to reset

    Basically it works fine until you turn the dam thing cause the 180 to -180 crossover point thingy

    Any suggestions?

  • I have the same problem, i've got a bunch of different plasma effects, but to be of any use, they need to cover at least the whole screen, there's three ways i can think of to lower the lag but haven't done, one of which doesn't exist

    1. Make it so whenever there is an effect like an explosion or something, create a plamsa object around the vicinity where it will be needed. This does cause some problems for scolling screens/objects though

    2. Make it take up the whole screen/level, but make it invisible when it isn't in use. Good in theory, hard in practice since if there are a lot of effects on screen, it will still lag.

    3. Bug the devs to make it so when nothing is happening on the plasma object, it doesn't render what whatever it does that makes it lag

    That's all i got