ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • OK, this one has me stumped. First off, sorry for not posting a CAPX, this is a fully completed game that is already on some portal networks, so I am a little reluctant to post it.

    The game works fine with. HTML5 all browsers, PhoneGap, Awesomium, and it has even been tested with AppMobi SDK.

    The game is here to get a sense of the problem.

    The problem I am having with Cocoon is when I pick a level and the main game is launched, non of the sprites, or text (words at the bottom) show up. I can click on areas that the letters would be, and the sounds activate. All you see is the background image.

    I don't know if something is happening with my code that isn't happening anywhere else, or it's just some weird combination of things. It's not like the game is freezing because I can still click on stuff and hear the sounds, but nothing happens. Even if I click the L for level select area (I can hear the sound) it doesn't go back to the level select screen.

    Any advice?

  • Just wanted to pop in and see if people were having issues with Cocoon and sprite font like I was, and people are. I updated to the latest version and running C2 103.2. I'm compiling in Cocoon now and I will post my results.

  • DrGero. I just use a box sprite and make it invisible and check for collision with it. For example i will have 6 sprites labeled marker1 through marker5.   Moveto marker1. On collision with marker1, moveto marker2.

  • I filled out the enrollment form, I'll keep you updated.


    Ashley, any chance of future inclusion of support for the new atari arcade? I already have one game done on Construct that would fit nicely there since it's modern take on Kaboom, which was a game I loved on the Atari 2600. I see other people constantly remaking games from that era because they fit in nicely with mobile devices because of the simple controls consisting of 1 button.

    Just a thought :).

  • Is it being hosted through chrome, or are you hosting it?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Can anyone confirm it's working or not? I'm hoping it just not me :).

  • I just posted in the other thread, but I'm still getting the black screen with r101

  • I'm having the same problem with r101. I upload, test and just get a black screen still. Anyone having success uploading to Chrome Store since r95?

  • There actually seems to be a few plugins that do this :).

  • With AJAX you need to supply a URL. In my case, the information in the url I use to launch the game might change with each visitor.

    So when someone goes to my game url using

    I need construct to bring in thisinfo into a global variable if possible.

  • Say I launch my game with the url

    Is there a way for C2 to bring in that value of info? In this case, moreinfo.



  • Yeah, I just realized the same. I purchased a personal version months ago. I never even realized you are suppose to have a badge until I saw this thread :).

  • Thanks Ashley.

  • I just ran into this same issue. Just a black screen when I try to test/play the game.