applern's Forum Posts

  • applern GOT IT!!

    This is what you mean:


    You're welcome! Have a wonderful day!

  • The view area is 500X800. And the player is set to scroll to. This issue is, when the player gets near the floor you can see under the current platform to the platform below. I don't want the layout to be so bouncy.

    Is there a way for the scroll to to just go horizontally until the player actually moves to the lower platform of the layout? So the screen doesn't bounce up and down so much.

    Do you have a camera in your project? which allows you to navigate with the player?

  • So I have 2 layouts. Game and TitleScreen. TitleScreen has 2 layers



    Game has only 1


    Now there is an about button on Game. If I press about it should go to layer 0 ofTitleScreen which is about. Any way to do this? Thanks

  • Sorry, should have mentioned the other (most obvious) way to create the array json - right click on the Files folder, and select New>Array; you can then use the built-in array editor.

    No its fine

  • Here's an example that lets you select answers and then submit:

    Did you make th json folder in construct 3 or..

  • Here's an example that lets you select answers and then submit:

    Since this is random, the first one will be (lets say) question 3. then the 2nd one Question 2 . Is there any way to change that written above? if not its ok. I'll just not have it written there

  • Here's an example that lets you select answers and then submit:

    Wow! this is amzaing! Thank you!

  • You can use either of the examples I've posted - you just need to add more questions to the array file. There may be an easier method (perhaps importing a csv?), but using json array files is a fairly straightforward way to do this.

    Okay thank you. I'll check it out. I'm sorry for so many posts, but i really hope it'll lessen

  • Here's an example using an AJAX + array that lets you set any number of correct answers:

    Both the questions and answers are shuffled using permutation tables.

    I've added comments throughout the event sheet to explain how it works.

    So This is like. when you check it shows wrong or correct, right? So what if it was like you check (whatever you need to check) then press submit. The right answers become green and the wrong become red?

  • Like my last post I asked how to do a multi answer quiz. I kind of understood but what would you do if theres a greater number of questions, say 100 or 500? Is there a shorter way? Thanks.

  • You need to set CSS for it.

    Property: "transform"

    Value: "scale(1.5)"

    Okay. thnx

  • So I used thee 'Share plugin' to make a review button popup. But I can't test it on Construct 3. Will it work? am i doing somthing wrong? Help would be nice. Thanks

  • Hi. So I was wondering if there was any way to change the size of the Checkbox (not the font). If both are increased, that's fine. Just not ONLY the font. Thanks!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Use the Share object's 'Request app rating' action.

    Thank you

  • Hey guys. So in a lot of apps there's these pop up messages that say 'Rate the app' etc. Is there any way to do this on Construct 3?