Aphrodite's Forum Posts

  • If you are designing your game well, you shouldn t have problem

    Of course if you design it badly, you will have more problems, but in the end you will also have problem in a more powerful engine, just at an higher point. And since for so many reasons you want to design your game well anyway, it is not a problem.

    Often people says "C2 should not be marketed towards non programmers", when in fact non programmers will do just fine, as long as they think well about their games (Should I verify all those collisions? Should this AI be enabled? Am I using the functionnalities correctly?)

    If someone has problems with only a few ennemies on C2, either he is doing too many useless verifications and actions, or uses a bad graphic card driver (or both), while fusion is maybe more tolerant upon those points. We can help when you have problems anyway so you understand how to work in a better way, of course if at the end you want to use fusion, use it.

    Reminds me of the user asking for all little secrets about C2, there isn t really secrets, just don t do useless things, learn how C2 works (manual, eventually tutorial but keep a critic eyes on them, some are really not that well though), and also learn to organise your events, so you can easily correct bugs and optimise (I have seen some event sheets, that no one could understand long term wise)

    Also node webkit and chrome performs the same (chrome has sometimes better performances though), but if you go with "game in a browser = ****** game" you are wrong, they are just easier to do so people do them more often.

    The html5 weakness is more mobile, but on PC this is not justified

  • >

    > Just make ever layer transparent (the one created by default isn't transparent), so the screenshot has a tyransparent background (however, the display will still show black at the background, but the saved snapshot will not have it)


    Hello, have a few quick questions. One how do you select just the layers that you want to save. The snapshot canvas tool only is allowing me to chose my file format and the name of the file. I can not find any options to save just say Layer 3 or crop options or other ways to limit where the snapshot happens.(Width and Height of image)

    Thank you for your time

    Not sure you can do this easily, you could in theory:

    -set the unwanted layers to invisible

    -take the snapshot

    -one tick after, set the layers back to visible

    Not that practical i must say, however, maybe the paster plugin could work:

    You would just hqve to set the position and size of the paster object to the part you want to screenshot, then paste the layer inside of it, then download the content of the paster ( I think it is paster.imageurl ), I didn t tested though

  • Pause on unfocus is only for the preview.

    You could play around with the wallclocktime expression maybe (it should continue to increase it's value no matter what I think)

  • https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/809/ho ... -crosswalk

    This tutorial should help, the intel XDK is quite confusing, I agree having a direct C2 to apk thingy would be far easier

  • Hi,

    accourding to the engine, the invisible objects are used by engine and he reserve them some memory.

    try to put a bullet sprite invisible and fire it, you will see that he do the job !

    i'm not a Construct 2 developer, but i'm a programmer and i know that Construct 2 is a normal software that is built with a C++ or whatever language that uses variables or memory.

    in coding languages, the compilators reserve memory for variables even not used by user.

    In that case, they are actually used by the engine (something invisible still exists and still works the same way, as the name says, it is just not visible, nothing more nothing less). It concerns more destroyed objects that are recycled whenever possible so the browsers don t take too much time cleaning the garbage (since there is no control over that), which is why I suggested to do less work on invisible objects if he can

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  • Sound works fine on my galaxy tab 3(even though there is a little latency), and the app loads as expected, the save screenshot, if no screenshot has been taken download the index.html (pretty sure it is because Snapshot canvas returns "" by default)

  • I think invisible just means "do not render me on screen"

    You could maybe check if it is invisible to make it spawn nothing in that case

  • It isn t yet possible I think, local variables can only be done inside an event or a group.

  • Crosswalk is basically like chrome for android, so it will behave like chrome for android (however an option to bypass the chrome blacklist is on the go from what I understood)

    CocoonJS can also ensure webGL is used (however I think cocoonJS cannot interpret JS as fast on iOS as it does on android, so on iOS using WebGL can cause maybe a slower game as webgl is adding work on the js part, not sure this is really a problem though)

    I think the one wrapper using the default webview of the device is phonegap.

  • I think (and could be wrong) you aren't using crosswalk, but another exporter of the intel XDK, crosswalk is the one that gives the best performances.

    "the reason people do not export for mobile using html is because a huge percentage of people use the stock browser that does not support webgl."

    In fact some people are actually doing this (since the whole point of HTML5 is to be playable everywhere, and C2 is really great to that regard), the apk being more a bonus exporter to support even more people at the end, and I think newest android are using chrome as the stock browser, but I could be wrong on that.

  • > " When I run it on my Desktop and over the web via "preview" to the device it works flawless."


    > Do you mean that the preview on the device runs great? (if so, does the HTML5 exported runs great in the chrome browser of the device too? If so, then I'd say it is a problem not on your side IMO)


    I exported it as a regular HTML 5 and just put the files on the device, It didn't run through chrome because "Exported games won't work until you upload them" JavaScript error happened. No idea what this means and no idea how to fix it.

    But when I preview the game via my localhost in chrome on the mobile device it works fine (other than the Audio takes forever to catch up).

    I meant like acessing the html5 export via the web (exemple: dropbox) from the mobile browser

  • " When I run it on my Desktop and over the web via "preview" to the device it works flawless."

    Do you mean that the preview on the device runs great? (if so, does the HTML5 exported runs great in the chrome browser of the device too? If so, then I'd say it is a problem not on your side IMO)

  • Keep in mind that some keyboard can only detect a certain number of inputs at max. So you might want to have other controls if possible

  • jayderyu : I agree with the QTE, I loved Prince of Persia:The two thrones QTE's speed kill, perfectly justified, if you lose, you aren't punished too much (you just do the fight the brutal way, which is still a lot of fun)

    : "Easy games aren't good games." => wrong statement, Super princess peach is easy, and it is a good game, same goes for Monster World 4, because difficulty is a tool that has to be well used, a game starting out difficult is bad, since the player has to have time to adapt to the game to enjoy it, the difficulty should just come from a low point at the beginning to an higher point at the end of the game, or ideally to have the player choose how to do things, the easy way not rewarding but safe, or the hard way more difficult but rewarding.

    Of course this is game specific and so we cannot have a simple rule for that

  • Pick all means you are considering all instances, it is useful if you picked some instances but you want to have all picked once again (never happened to me to have to use it), pick all is automatic at the root of events, it does not imply that you will repeat for all instances treating each of them individually (actions will execute for all of them, but expressions will only use one reference instance).

    For each means you will apply what is next to all currently picked instances of that object individually, for each is implied in a lot of objects conditions (not all of them, on timer is an exemple that does not imply it), which means that expressions will be evaluated separately for each object.

    Right under your picking, I guess a for each is needed.