anthonykojima's Forum Posts

  • anthonykojima sved : done

    Thanks Kyatric.

  • Sorry Arima, but i think you gonna have a lot of work . I hope others admin will help you.

    Here is my thread. Could you move it to the "works in progress" please ?


  • Hi FunEffect,

    I'm currently trying to do the same thing for one of my games. I'm using XML files instead because it has UTF-8 encoding. So, I was wondering if your excel file is encoded in UTF-8. IMO UTF-8 should support spanish special characters such as "ñ". I'm dealing with french special characters (é, è, à; etc.).

    Try UTF-8 encoding and let me know. On the other hand I have no idea how to deal with russian alphabet since it consists of completely different letters.

  • Another a quick update followed by a screenshot:

    Here is a screenshot of the Achievement screen of the game. There are 20 achievements to unlock in total. I will add more and I will finish the translation.

    <center><img src="" border="0" /></center>

  • Centra,

    Thanks for your comment. I stored the 800 questions on a seperate file indeed. When it comes to handling a big set of data, I'm not a big fan of using the Array or the Dictionary Objects as a database.

    I created a XML file containing all questions and answers. I loaded them into the XML object and then, using some XPath, I could pull out questions randomly.

    It is also much more easy than exclusively using events to do it. Modifications are less painful and I can add new questions without modifying the code (Just the file).

  • Just a quick update followed by a screenshot:

    Here is a screenshot of the SHOP in the game (I could rename it to something like cafeteria to be more "schoolish").

    Of course, a big thank you to Ails for his great set of icons for RPG. Sir, you are already in my credits sections.

    <center><img src="" border="0" /></center>

  • szymek,

    Thanks for your comment. You are absolutely right on a certain point.

    When I said "This sprite are the one you can find on some RPG Maker games...", I didn't actually used the OFFICIAL sprites of RPG Maker. I know that it is not allowed to used them in a non RPG Maker software. I was just talking about the look of the characters of the game.

    That is why, I used Fan made sprite with their PERMISSION instead. That is completely legal and I always make sure that I put their names in the credit section of my game.

    On the other hand, Some fans forbid the usage of their sprites on another software than RPG Maker (Celianna for example)

    In a nutshell, fans can do what they want with their sprites. If they allow people to use them, be sure that I will use them. All the sprites of this game are made by fans.

  • ,

    Thanks for your nice comment. The sprite are not original. Unfortunately, I'm not good at graphism at all. So I prefer using free sprites by awesome people.

    This sprite are the one you can find on some RPG Maker games. I just type on Google "RPG Maker character sprites" or something like that.

    I checked your game "Ninja Legacy: The Forbidden Scrolls". WOW It seems like a lot of work. And it's coming out soon right ?

  • Hi guys,

    Let me introduce to you my new game called: SCHOOL BRO OFF. I call it an ERPG which stands for Educational Role Playing Game

    Game purpose:

    The goal of the game is simple: outsmart your opponents by answering correctly to a various type of questions. I wrote or selected roughly 800 trivia questions. This game will make you review or revise your knowledge of school subjects.


    The game is played like a board game between your team of students against other teams. You can compose your team as you wish by mixing different type of students.

    Each student has different characteristics and a powerful Super Attack:

    • The mathematician. Very effective on close combat,
    • The Sportsman. Very resistant
    • The Nerd. A bit coward but with good defense.
    • And many more type

    Your opponent will attack by asking a question about his favorite subject. For instance, the math student will ask a question about Mathematics. The Biologist student about Biology, the Nerd about IT and so on.

    You will have few seconds to give the correct answer to the question. If you don't answer correctly, then one of your student will lose some HP or will be defeated.


    It's clear that the game is made for phones and tables. Furthermore, it

    is only available in FRENCH for the moment. I won't post a link now because I'm still working on the game.

    In addition, I'm currently working on an English version. It takes long to translate everything when you're alone on a project. Therefore, stay tuned. I will post updates about this as much as possible.


    Here are some screenshots of the game:

    anthonykojima2014-01-28 20:54:24

  • simwhi,

    Ok. I've been digging this up and I think I found where the issue was. The Tizen Web simulator works with the "file://" protocol. This means that we are accessing the index.html file of the game locally.

    Unfortunately, AJAX Requests DON'T work with the "file://" protocol. That is how it is designed. So even if we try to load a local file through AJAX, the browser will automatically block the access.

    There is a work around for each browser. Tizen is using Google Chrome and Chrome has this options to enable access to local files: "--allow-file-access-from-files". Another bad news, this options seems not working for some versions of Chrome.

    For me there is one bad conclusion for this...(I include Ashley on this one)

    Ashley: Apparently it is not possible to use the AJAX Request project file action on TIZEN WEB PROJECT because the TIZEN web simulator uses the file:// protocol. Which means no AJAX possible even with the isLocal flag to AJAX.

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  • Hi Pode,

    First of all, thanks for this great plugin. I was looking for this soo bad. Really thank you.

    I don't know if I'm the only one facing this problem. So, I downloaded and implemented your plugin in my game. The problem now is, I keep having my Construct2 preview throwing an error window when I click on the Webfont text.

    It's easy to reproduce. Just create an instance of Webfont object, launch the preview mode and click on the Webfont. Here is a screenshot of the exception:

    <center><img src="" border="0" /></center>

    I know you said that we couldn't see the results directly inside the preview window, but having an exception thrown because of a plugin doesn't feel good either. Do you have any idea why this is happening?

    By the way, this error window doesn't appear once I exported the project.

    I used

    Google Chrome v 30.0.1599.101 m

    Construct2 beta release r148

  • Hi simwhi, thehen

    Just to say that I faced the same problem. Apparently, it is not possible to load a XML/JSON object from an AJAX's "Request project file" function on a Tizen project.

    The only work around we have is to directly paste the XML/JSON text into the XML/JSON object. Does that mean that Tizen apps cannot access project files?

  • rexrainbow,

    First of all, thanks a lot for this plugin. It's really powerful and hard to master. I have a small question about the plugin possibility though. I was wondering if it was possible to make the Enemy Object having exactly the same behavior of the Chess Object.

    what I mean is, for example in final fantasy tactics, when the player plays against the CPU, the CPU does exactly like the player:

    • First it chooses a Tile where it will do its next move (we can see the CPU choosing the path -> it is the blue tiles)
    • Second it moves at that particular Tile
    • The CPU tries most of the time to get near the player

    I wanted to do the same thing. I still searching because I think it is possible to do it with your plugin. I wanted to use the "get nearest tile" algorithm for the CPU so that the CPU will always try to approach the player to attack him.

    Here are some images of what I'm talking about:


    <img src="" border="0" />



  • rexrainbow,

    Thanks a lot dude. I'm really stupid on that one I didn't read anything and I just tried to install it. My bad. Sorry for the mistake. Everything is ok now.

  • rexrainbow


    I don't know if I'm the only one facing this error. I updated to the last stable version of C2 (r139) and I have this two errors with the grid_move plugin. Could you help me with this please?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />