anoxamoon's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • I have a family of objects called Tools

    When I start the dragging of a member, I need to spawn the same family member at the same location and keep dragging the picked member.

    i want to keep count of the member count until they are depleted.

    i have tool A, B and C for example... each tool can be placed n times

    I made a family instance variable called "remaining" and family instance variable named "type"

    everything works except for one thing... spawinng a family member gives a different item (the counting works, dragging works, spawining works but not the same as picked up object)...

    I tried manually spawning items based on "type" but cant get it right...

    any suggestions.

  • how did you fix it.

    am trying to have a thumbstick (which is working fine) but also have a couple of screen buttons (jump, powerups etc) that should work in concurrence with the thmb stick.

    When ever a button is clicked, the thumb stick resets position. How can i determine that the touch end event was not triggered from the stick but from the other buttons.

  • by the way... is it ok to hack into the code of the construct plugins to make something work?

    I modified the cocoon files and add the new updated version which includes facebook integration. I am not using any other feature of cocoon so i cut most code from the runtime and allowed fb.

    I have now fb and ajax working fine together .. i use fb for posting and friend invites... ajax for score keeping, inventory.. and other stuff that fb doesn't.

    does any one know when the new cocoon code will be included officially?

  • The AJAX plugin was working yesterday and today when I get the onComplete.. the cocoon launcher crashes and closes. any ideas?

    Fixed: or i donno... the bug was caused from the file i was reading.... changing the content made it work again!

  • does this work with families?

  • I tried to leverage the FB features of cocoon inside construct. However, it seems that the CocoonJS library included with C2 is different from the updated version.

    I tried to used the updated classes from the repository but for some reason always got the error Exception error inside the mobile player. I didn't have a clue on where the error was originating because the error message does not give any details.

    is there anybody who managed to get FB support under cocoon.

    Any implementation should use cocoons API to connect with FB so that it uses devices native display instead of of the outdated webview under devices.

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  • just asking.... as you use their service... do you incorporate FB in your games under cocoon?

  • 7 posts