aniqueahmad's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Awesome. Thanks

  • since i am new to this so bothering u guys :)

    i have dont this but adds are not showing when i export debug.apk from cloudbuild option of construct 3

    added MobileAdvert plugin

    set application and publisher ID in fields

    in event sheet added this

    system > on start of layout

    > MobileAdvert > is configured > MobileAdvert > create banner advert "have put banner id here" size:smart portrait show:true

    > MobileAdvert > Show the current banner advert

  • thanks

    i have been trying to configure it. is there any example to show just the banner adds simply. or an easy tutorial that i can follow

    i am doing this but no add is showing up. does it take time?

  • Is it necessary to export to android sdk to make it work.

    Cant seem to make it work. How can i add admob plugin to my game and the make it work with cloud build option of construct 3 export>android>debug apk

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi. My game runs in browser perfectly both on pc and mobile but when i export to apk and install, only main menu works. Rest of game loads (music playing) but nothing shows up on screen except the backgroung color.

    To test i exported the flapping bird template after running it in my mobile browser. After installing the apk, Same problem occured with it with menu loading and on hitting play the next screen shows noting but the game runs as after some time restart level (play button) apears again.

    What is happening

  • 5 posts