I guess my proposal didn't get clear enough. There's no need to parse anything apart from what is already parsed (like expressions).
The idea doesn't revolve around typing complete phrases (or code) and parsing them into events, that would be extremely hard. Instead you type into predefined form fields and use the fuzzy match to auto-complete. In a traditional programming language you would type a delimiter like "." to separate blocks of information for the parser. Likewise in my proposal you press ENTER or use the arrow keys to navigate to the next field, so the information is pre-parsed during filling.
Here's a step by step of how it should work:
Typed Events Mockup
*the image steps don't coincide with the steps below
1 - first initiate the typed method by pressing a shorcut like CTRL+E
2 - then type the object name and press ENTER or RIGHT ARROW to confirm and move to the next field.
It can be very fuzzy like "sp3" so you can economize a lot of key strokes and type faster. The fuzzy match algorithm does a lot of the job for you.
3 - type the condition field and confirm to start iterating It's parameter fields
4 - fuzzy type an object name, confirm
5 - type an expression to the X field, confirm
6 - type another expression to the Y field, confirm. When done you can then navigate to actions or add another event by pressing CTRL+E again.
So basically you just navigate these fields and type in them using the fuzzy match:
Object >> Condition >> Parameter 1 >> Parameter 2 >> Parameter 3 ...
Once you placed an event you could do a single click in a field to fuzzy type it again, or do a double click to edit using the mouse. Like opening an object dialog when an object field is double clicked...
...or click+drag a number to quickly edit it like in the editbox demo I posted earlier...
... or even edit expressions, conditions and actions in place.
This could unleash the power of edit in place (like in a traditional code editor) and probably speed things A LOT. I believe it may even surpass traditional approaches in terms of speed and efficiency, specially if you consider that it's virtually impossible to get code with syntax errors.
So my proposal is nothing different from the events system we already use and doesn't need another specialized parser. It's just a different approach to picking events in place without opening any dialog, so it can be faster.