angstloch's Forum Posts

  • You could spawn them rooms on the go. Supposing, for claritys sake, these rooms are simple sprites. You create an image point in each door. Then as you approach a door (but before it's seen on screen), you spawn room number random(10). You'd still need to figure something to make both rooms' door connect properly, avoid room repetition, etc.

  • Very cool game! unfortunately I reach only 50 fps. It might be due to the filter effects tho. Or might no -- ill be damned if i ever understand how performance actually works...

  • Thanks guys. To be honest Im not that sure anymore that my problem is in the tileMap itself (as newt pointed, if there's no collision at all it shouldnt give me collision trouble). The draw calls could be, but it dosnt really looks like that, although Im no even sure I'm reading the debugger properly...

    My new fav suspect is the "solid" invisible platforms (nearly 2000 at the moment, but there will be many more). PassThrus too, tough there's not as many as solids. Monsters and items are created on proximity and destroyed at a certain distance, there shouldnt be problems with that. The thing is, when i try to check the solid platforms for collisions their bare numbers seem to slow everything down, so I think I'm havin a read on that blog entry that Colludium mentioned and see if it fix me.

    clarkkentnicdao well it would be a 25600 x 14400 px sprite! Many sprites, could be... I was pretty sure my tilemap option was better and more efficient, but honestly Im no that sure any more -_-

    thank again for yr help brothers

  • yeah, nevermind the loops! im not that good at coding

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  • newt thanks mate, i think i see now. Guess is something similar to what i am doing with enemies and other stuff: they only became "active" when they overlap a certain "proximity box".

    So, with no collision or overlappin event or behaviours on the tilemap there should be no performance impact? Still im getting collision rects (rectangles, guess its each tile?) on the debugger.

    I think you are right, the problem may be elsewhere. I'm not sure I'm readig the debbuger correctly too.

    clarkkentnicdao not tiledBG but a tileMap. But yeah, it makes the bulk of the scenery and covers the whole layout, with separated sprites here and there to represent animated or interactive bits.

  • Ninja by Daylight is it? I dont know dude it works alright for me.

  • ...wot? ·_·

    thanks for the answer newt , but i don't really think Im getting it... What you mean, a variable comparison?

    I'm not saying individual tiles, but the whole object thing -- make the whole tilemap into a merely decorative thing (as platforms an jumpthrus and stuff are implemented separatedly).

    Yeah Im having performance issues. Getting around 10-15k collision checks per second. Im not savvy on the art of debuggin, but i think thats a lot. Not even 100% sure it's the tilemap -- but me tilemap is 360,000 tiles big (25600 x 14400 px), tiles at 32px, and uses currently 68982 collision rects, which i also think is quite a lot. On the bright side, I'm using png-8... and, again, only need the tilemap itself for decorative purposes.

    I'm beginning to fear i should have used many small tilemaps instead of this monster. Well i could split mine into smaller ones, but this would be rather ****** work (and just the kind of thing you spend hours doing and tweaking and fixing just to realize on testing that performance blues is still there), so i'm checking other possibilities first.

    There's always the possibility, or even probability, that I'm doing other things wrong too. I'm doing a big sandbox, which is always tricky on performance, but (i think) I'm properly disabling behaviours and stuff of faraway objects so they don't mess with frameflow... anyway, this should be stuff for another topic -- if this one finally doesn't ease my worried mind ;P

  • does it beautifully

  • Yeah well, it's hard to tell without a capx to try and see, but hey why are you stopping the animation after each frame change -- it's easier and safer just to set the animation speed (first image, under Animation 'Default' properties) to zero, and then you can just set the frames at ease.

    Im not sure if that would fix you tho, you may need to use some System>Loops>ForEach conditions here or there...

  • Could be something with the acceleration / deceleration properties of the platform behaviour, which you can modify on the properties tab. Deceleration 0 will keep the sprite moving forever, 99999999(...) will stop it dry. Otherwise, you'll have to upload us a capx tu see...

  • How can i disable completely the collisions from a tilemap object? I mean completely, ignoring all collision and overlapping events. There's an option in the properties tab for sprite objects, but can't find it for tilemaps. Is there any way to achieve that? Using events or anything? Cheers!

  • but we dont have no address D:

  • omg don't do that. any time i try to play my old music cd's i get so much trouble. time corrodes them away. the only reason I'd go for a cd would be to do some kind of "special physical edition" (which i definitely wouldnt buy anyway, for in ten years time would be corroded, even if laptops still come with a cd reader by then). labeling and stuff would make it kind of expensive to produce tho, unless you're planning to sell many, many copies -- i made the sheet design for some music bands back in the day, and saw that companies usually offer a better price the more copies you order.

    If you just want to keep a record for yourself, go cloud instead, i'd say...

  • i would tho advise against rotating pixels! proper (purist if you want) pixelart should not rotate, as that would break the visual grid, which is, well, UNACCEPTABLE.

    your original lion is beautifully drawn, but its movement its a bit... horsish, or harish... see the way the arse bumps up on the third frame, or the forepaws on the second... lions don't really move like that.

    i think you designed the frames to go like this (i'm going zero-based now): 0-1-2, as it loops smoothly like that, but think also you can do "ping-pong", which would be "0-1-0-2". I find pingpong better for looping animations like walk or run cycles.

    Spriter is indeed the last big thing on sprite animation, but for oldschool pixelart i stick to oldschool technologies. CharacterMakerPro is a cool freeware pixelart editor, very easy to use too. 256 colours max. comme il faut.

  • rrrright this is probing to be harder than expected. I'm having a lot of odd performance issues. i made the level bigger but as soon as i filled it up with pellet fps dropped dramatically... probably should restart again with lower def graphics. oh well.