angstloch's Forum Posts

  • Well I'm veeery new at physics.

    Trying to do a "infinite driver" sort of thing, with a car composed of a body with two wheels attached, "traction" comes from the rear wheel spin. When the car reaches certain X, it's moved to Self.X-5000, so the level loops over itself. Works fine, but there's a noticeable bump in the car motion right after "teleporting". Is there any way to fix that?


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  • hey there, i finally managed something with those performance issues! used a tilemap instead of many instances of them pills Feedback appreciated, specially about how it behaves on mobile devices.


  • NetOne cheers brother, I really appreciate the interest I put the whole project on stand-by for a couple of months, to get some perspective and curse the heavens and gather energies for what gonna be, I'm afraid, quite a deep redesign of the whole damn thing (again). That's a step I dont wanna take too lightly though, so Im considering how should i approach the whole thing from the beginning.

    So this array solution seems to be the "proper" (even the "old school") thing to do, thus i really want to give it a try -- or a look, at least. The problem is, I'm not even sure of what you guys mean by "load-level-from-array"... you mean, load them tiles? Or load uh... coordinates of things? Enemy encounters, or what? I know i can export a tilemap to json (im not 100% sure what a json file is tho), but I dont think my tilemap is the problem (gots collisions off). Whatever. Any tutorial or article or blog entry on this technique? (not NetOne necessarily, but hey ;P )

    About the "Tilemap Solution" discussed some posts above, I tried it (or something resembling it) in some little pacmanoid project i had which was giving me (yeah also) performance problems -- and it's working pretty good, although it requires a quite strict "checkboard" approach that i'm not sure is gonna work for the mighty MEGAQUEST...

    Finally, I havent completely dropped the idea of splitting the whole thing into several layouts. Even faking some seamless-looking effect somehow. That would be somewhat safer, as these performance issues tend to appear when the game gets a certain size (and consequently a lot of work behind), i wouldn't like to discover then that whatever the path i choose happens to be useless again...

  • NetOne Sorry for the late response. I've been experimenting with tilemaps meself. Lots of trouble and not sure if i'm getting any improvements. Your news about arrays dont look very encouraging either, although i'm also having a look at it -- arrays for dummies or something, still a long way to go. Ow Im getting the dev blues ´-` I'm aware i'll most likely have recode (at least!) deeply the whole project. So im doing the wise coward thing and focusing on some simpler side project for the time being. Hey, just to learn me some stuff. The mighty megaqüest has already survived many of these emotional drags bfore.

    (dunno how to you mate) Yeah, a valid question innit. I love the concept since i played Fallout2. I wanted the game to be, well... more based in areas than in levels or stages, I guess. The idea of a whole world for you to explore and so. But mainly, i didnt know enough to see that it was going to become such a pain in the end :\

  • randomly well thank you so very much for your effort -- it's awesomely commented n everything! I'll dig into it right now, and see how it goes. Cheers!

  • Bump! Nobody wants to make a sandbox? C'mon people where's your megalomania??

    As this array thing looks rather too difficult for me apelike coding prowess, I'm currently struggling with other idea: i'm replacing (or intend to) dormant offscreen sprites with tiles from a tilemap, which should be lighter. Then is always possible that after all the effort it proves useless, performance-wise.

  • Amazing game -- looks impressive in fullscreen! Lights n shadows create a perfect mood too. And the turkey thing was genius! XD

  • congrats mate -- you just made one beautiful game!

    I think the graphics are what give a cute appeal to this game

    Don't even think about changing them, great game!damn right

    *true: i dont know how to quote

  • yeah, well. still, you can put em on a family


  • randomly thanks again for your interest mate!

    The problem is, i'd like to spawn a sprite every time an object collides with a particular id of tile. So it "should" be something like:

    Tilemap.TileToPositionX("Self Tile X")

    Tilemap.TileToPositionY("Self Tile Y"),

    but of course "self tile" is nonsense. So, could i request somehow the X,Y of the tile i just collided with?

    This is all an attempt, dunno yet if is gonna work, to enhance mobile performance for me game. I'm trying to replace a lot of "spawner sprites" that i have in the map (which is a big sandbox) with tiles from a tilemap, which i red it's lighter. I have this thread here where i wail and moan at long about my performance problems, there's also a link to the game in its current, mess of a state. Any opinions are most welcome, cos im quite jammed :/

  • randomly Humm. Yeah. No. What I actually need is to create a sprite over a tile, when said tile collides with another object. The problem I'm finding is how to request the position of the tile. Or so i think!

    Thanks for your answer! 8D

  • Not sure... what you mean, "truncate"? Like, keeping the same dialogue box size while the text kinda "overflows:hidden", dissapearing over the top? I think this is standard for text (now i do never use text, i prefer spritefonts), with Vertical Alignement: Bottom. If the textbox keeps growing, I guess you could also state the box dimensions whenever you append a new line (everytime the text changes, set the width and height again.

    Not sure if that was yr doubt tho...

    Note: use spritefonts! They behave better on phones, and look better anywhere, imo.

  • How could i spawn a sprite from a tile, when (and where) this tile comes on screen?

    Something like create object at X = Tilemap.SnapX(???), Y = Tilemap.SnapY(???), where ??? equals to the position of the particular tile that's going into screen -- or, say, colliding with a proximity box...

  • hey, hey, this tilemap thing nearly makes sense (unlike all that array nonsense. christ i hate arrays). If i understood properly, and after severe simplification, the idea would be: instead of having a lot of "spawning sprites" (which would be checking collisions and hence slowing me game) i could use tiles from a tilemap, checked by tileID, to spawn my kegs and my orcs. This would sure reduce the object count dramatically. Still many rough edges to workout, but could do.

  • gladOS!