<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">In function plugin in Condition section are present some flag not documented on online manual:
cf_trigger_fast AND cf_none
waht about this? Is the online doc outdated?</font>
<font size="2"><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Conditions
AddStringParam("Name", "The name of the function that is being called.", "\"\"");
AddCondition(0, cf_trigger | cf_fast_trigger, "On function", "Function", "On <b>{0}</b>", "Triggered when a function is called.", "OnFunction");
AddNumberParam("Index", "Index of the parameter to compare.");
AddCmpParam("Comparison", "How to compare the function parameter.");
AddAnyTypeParam("Value", "The value to compare to.");
AddCondition(1, cf_none, "Compare parameter", "Function", "Parameter {0} {1} {2}", "Compare the value of a parameter in a function call.", "CompareParam");</font></font>