anetherus's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • So atm I'm trying to make it so when the tank is moving the tracks make noise. Any idea how to make a soundloop while something is moving?

    Oh and How do I add my game to my signature? :P

  • For what it's worth, the newest version of C2 comes with a Turret behavior. I haven't had a chance to check it out, but it may (or may not) be of use to you. Good luck.

    If you want to control both tanks, but only one at a time name one 'tank1' and 'tank2' then just have all the code for tank2, or one, disabled until the tank is clicked on. Pretty sure that's possible, but remember to disable the other tak or you'll facepalm...

    good idea I guess. Still annoying to make the code for each tank.

  • Posting a capx would be useful, it's really hard to see what you are doing with just written descriptions.


    I fixed it by moving the every tick > set angle towards mouse event to the top of the event list. Strange :D

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  • Well that caused some bug or something because now when I move with the 8 directional movement the bullets go flying in those directions instead of where my mouse and character is pointed.

    Any way to fix that?

    Or is there any other way to loop an event?

  • mouse -> Mouse Button is down..

    You may want to setup some timer to delay the bullets firing by a small fraction.



  • How do I repeat events while holding down a mousebutton?

    I want my rifle to shoot fullauto when holding Mouse1.

  • I have 2 tankturrets of the same kind on the map, but I only want to control 1 of them at the time with my mouse. Do I need to make another object type for the other turret?

  • Thanks^ ill try it. =P

  • Okay I have another problem, I'm using the Car behavior for my tank but I want the tank to turn even when there is no forward speed. Any way to do this?

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    I'm doing something wrong obviously, the turrent stays put. lol

    Nvm figured it out.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • How do I stick my tank turret to my tank? I can drive the base of my tank around but the turret won't follow. xDxD

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • 11 posts