Hello. I've put a text named Health at the upper left corner of the screen to display the health. However, no text is showing. I've created a global variable PlayerHealth = 100. Whenever the player is hit by an enemy arrow or snowball, the player loses health. I want the health to be display at all times. I did System->Every tick Health->Set text to "Health: " & PlayerHealth. No text shows up on screen when I start the game. If I do not put & PlayerHealth after it, it works. If I just put PlayerHealth with no other strings, it also works. I've tried replacing PlayerHealth with str(PlayerHealth) in the set Text, but it still does not work. The player does lose health and die in the game. So there must something wrong with the PlayerHealth variable. Here is the capx: dropbox.com/scl/fi/vppoeg1awxf0mjm86k8b6/Test.capx