Android-Music's Forum Posts

  • Wazzup people! Now I'm streaming my drawing sessions on , done this pic on my first stream!

    Also, take a look at my blog, did some other sweet stuff! Not posting a link to my blog because I posted it a dozen time here already!

    Who wants to see me drawing live on Twitch, I'm doing it now!

  • Hey people!

    Unfortunately things didn't go quite well for me - if I had not enough time for game because of job, now health is playing jokes on me quite frequently so I can't even work normally now - I have to slow down even more.

    I have some stuff to show though

    Made numerous gfx, and gameplay improvements on the game so current public build has got kinda old already but if you still wanna play it, link in the previous post is not dead yet.


  • So let's assume I have an enemy type. And of course all of the enemies are duplicates of one sprite. I want to detect if they collide between each other and how many of them collide at the moment. How do I do so?

    Note that collisions may happen not just in one place of screen/layout but in two or three places at a time. Basically saying there may be not one but two or three bunches of colliding enemies before your eyes at the same time.

  • Hey everybody! Same thing happened to my project - everything is working fine in game but in the editor sometimes spritefont is mirrored like in the first post. Looks fine when there are no effects on the object.

    Also: some sprites appeared distorted a bit sometimes, looked like they were 3d planes, can't explain that unfortunately although in r170 sprites seem to be ok, still testing though!

    Acer Aspire V3 laptop with Intel4000 and Nvidia GT780 video cards.

  • Sounds like a great idea, thanks! Will try that for sure!

  • Greetings, gentlemen! I have a small question regarding Keyboard event!

    I need something like onAnyKeyPressed condition but excluding keys like Enter or Escape.

    I understand it's better to add onKeyCodePressed and add an expression which describes a certain range of key codes or excluding certain key codes like 13, 27 or 91). Dunno what kind of expression should I write.


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  • Folks, I finally did it! The demo is ready! But before release I'd like you to take a look!

    NOTE: grenade is "spacebar" on keyboard or "right shoulder" on gamepad, useful if there are too many enemies around! I'll add a hint in the game for sure!

    Feedback is strongly welcome!

  • S.T.Y.X is no more, here's my new ultimate creation

  • thomas0611 hey man! I'm a composer too and my view on music is always extremely serious but...

    It heavily depends on your situation whether you should hire a badass composer or just search for some free music via google. Sometimes it can be that simple. Just try to avoid copyrighted stuff.

    Agree with sqiddster, NG is one of great places either for searching free music or composers.

  • Another +1 from me! Was making a screenshot already but found this topic!

    All browsers affected, some layouts work, some don't.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Thanks Damir007!

    New pic:

    Hmmmmmmm, what's the catch? :)

  • Buenos Dias, gentlemen! Created a tumblr page for those many people who love this awesome site -

    Don't forget about too! ;)


  • Hey guys! Got some news:

    1) I made a blog page for the game and gonna post next updates there so if you like you can visit and subscribe! :)

    2) Finally changed the name of the game - from now on you can call it S.T.Y.X - it's an abbreviation for Source of Territory and Yaw Xenos! Also it's also based on River Styx from Greek Myths, some call it River of the Dead. Cool isn't it? :)

    3) Got some new art

    4) Got good audio speakers so I finally can finish my music stuff, that means I'm putting up tunes soon!

    The demo itself is pretty much ok, can't say there are radical changes but I like what I got so far - added some lighting effects(bullet thingy), pickups, optimized events so the game doesn't suck all the cpu from computer(btw it runs on an integrated card thanks to Scirra and Google)! :)


    HQ 60fps version -

    I will post updates here too but I think it be not as frequent as on the blog, just don't wanna post atop of others too often.

  • No, Matt, this thread is still working, it's just I don't have anything to show. Looking at my previous posts... Daaaang that's intense, lots of promises and still not ready :(

    In fact, I am still working on the demo stuff but I can't show much right now - still need to do a lot of stuff in the game.

    Talking about art I made something(made with wacom bamboo tablet, to be updated probably)

    But I'm partially glad I had such a horrible delay - I made lots of game optimizations and Chrome with NodeWebKit have got a significant speed up - when I made first 10 rooms it was like 15-35 fps, now it runs 58-60 fps on my laptop with integrated graphics card!

    But once again I'm sorry for delays, guys, too many factors held me away from the project!

    EDIT: Great page btw, found so many cool games, I'm drooling right now...

  • Hey man! Yeah, I'm still working on it, I've really slowed down due to heavy taxes,had to work on two jobs haha! Putting out some neat stuff in early September(this is for sure)! Thanks a lot for checking! :)