andreyin's Forum Posts

  • It's because you have a bunch of star objects. If you just say "is star.animationname=default2" how should it know which start to pick?

    Use "for each". For each star object -> star animation is = to default2 -> rotate.

  • I don't understand, you don't want the character to be able to move if the top half is next to a wall, is that right?

    So you shouldn't say "if top half is overlapping ground -> move left", you should say "if top half isn't overlapping ground on the left -> move left".

    In this case you should use "is overlapping at offset".

    You're also checking and moving for both bottom and top half. You're basically saying "if bottom part is overlapping ground and player presses left -> move left -> then check if the top half part is also overlapping ground -> move left again".

    If you're trying to make it so the both parts can only move when there's no ground on where they are trying to move, you should do this:

  • Very useful! But pressing the "export" button won't work in the Scirra arcade.. would you mind sharing the .capx too?

    Thanks for sharing!

  • For, have you tried checking their forums? ... reen/166/2

    I also have a black screen problem and am about to try a few things they said in this thread.

  • Is it a very big image? If so you should cut it in parts first.

  • Decided to give this a quick go yesterday and now I'm wondering how the heck have I made it this far without using this. It makes my life so much simpler! Thanks for this behavior rex!

  • You could use an array to check how many shots has the tilemap received:

    bullet on collision with tilemap ->

    check if array(bullet.x,bullet.y) is less than 1 ->

    If it is, add 1 to position (bullet.x,bullet.y) in the array

    If it isn't, destroy tilemap at position (bullet.x,bullet.y)

    The hardest thing to do would add the automapping, which is a set of user-defined rules that change the tilemap like the gif you posted.

  • > Just use a for loop and name your loops


    > For "loop1" from 1 to 12000 -> for "loop2" from 1 to 12000 -> if sprite2.animationframe = loopindex("loop1") -> if sprite1.animationframe = loopindex("loop2") -> do this


    Thank you but it doesnt work.

    Why doesn't it work?

  • Just use a for loop and name your loops

    For "loop1" from 1 to 12000 -> for "loop2" from 1 to 12000 -> if sprite2.animationframe = loopindex("loop1") -> if sprite1.animationframe = loopindex("loop2") -> do this

  • Couldn't hurt to hear what Ashley has to say about this. When I gave it a try a few months ago I had C2 running in a browser on the console just fine.

    You can also enable devmode in any console now and test your game. I think there's a tutorial somewhere in the forums but basically you export is as a Windows 10 UWP app, open it in Visual Studio and send it to the Xbox One.

    I've tested my game and it ran great. It's too bad it's going to take so long for them to add UWP games support...

  • Wow, that's great! I've been using ReplaceColor to get some palette control going but this looks much more useful. Does it work on individual objects or layout only? Is it limited to 16 colors?

    Thanks for sharing

    Yup, it works just fine on individual objects too.

    This effect allows up to 16 colors but you could use less without having to edit the effect directly - just set the unused colors to Red 0, Green 0 and Blue 0 and it should work.

    You can also add more colors but you have to manually edit the .fx and .xml files using notepad (I recommend Notepad++, it's a great app for this).

    To add more colors:

    In the .fx file you need to copy the last 3 variable lines :

    uniform float COLOR16R;
    uniform float COLOR16G;
    uniform float COLOR16B;[/code:1f5s2i6q]
    then paste it below while changing the numbers (to 17 and so on), 
    Then you need to add a line for it below the "TRY_COLOR (vec3 (COLOR16R, COLOR16G, COLOR16B));" line (also just copy/paste it while changing it to COLOR17R, COLOR17G, COLOR17B).
    After this you must edit the .xml you have and copy the last 3 params (they're on the bottom of the file):
    			<name>Color 16 Red</name>
    			<description>Red color to replace, from 0 to 255.</description>
    			<name>Color 16 Green</name>
    			<description>Green color to replace, from 0 to 255.</description>
    			<name>Color 16 Blue</name>
    			<description>Blue color to replace, from 0 to 255.</description>
    And paste it below, editing the COLOR16 variables to COLOR17 and so on. If you want you can also change the numbers between the <uniform> tags to have a default value (aka the color you want). This way when you add the effect it will already have the color you wanted.
    You can have as many colors as you want by doing this.
  • This is a modification of Gigatron 's NESify effect. It takes 16 user-defined colors and forces any other color to be one of these by checking the nearest color to it.

    Do not mistake this with the "16 color replacer" effect! This one will force 16 colors in your game by comparing them to the nearest user-defined color. This means that, for instance, if your game has a certain shade of green and you define a different shade of green in the effect properties, it will change just fine.

    This effect is NOT able to take a color (for instance, blue) and swap it with completely different color (for instance, yellow). For this one you'll have to use the "16 color replacer" effect.

    Edit: (fixed link)

    Link: ...

    You can also use the Brightness property to make some cool fade-in/out animations while still forcing your game to use limited colors:

  • This is an edited version of the original "color replacer" effect, modified to be able to replace up to 16 user-defined colors.

    Basically, it takes a user-defined color and replaces it by another user-defined color. I've made this so I can have multiple palettes in my game without having to edit the graphics.

    I've also included 2 examples: a "palette generator", which you can use to edit your own 16 color palette and save the output to use in your game, and a simple example that loads up a palette.

    Edit (fixed link)

    Link: ...

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  • Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for!

  • Hi everyone,

    If I assign the sine behavior to an object and have a Magnitude of 1, the sine will go all the way to 1, then all the way to -1 and so on.

    What would be the best way to force it to go only from 0 to 1?