AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys, how can I export my game for smartphone? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes">

    I don't want export with cordova, but with intel xdk!

    But I received an error when I export with it (I'm not sure what is the number error, but I think is the 3240 Error).

    Can you help me? How can I resolved? Where can I see an up to date tutorial with actually intel version?


    I made a guide for Intel XDK and Construct 2. You can find it here. ... nstruct-2/

    Let me know if you miss something.



  • I export my capx file inside construct via cordova (v240) then i upload my zip file in and i use canvas+ as a web engine. After that i install the apk file on my tablet, after the splash screen of cocoon, a never ending black screen appear

    I was not happy with the result so search for a solution online. I found a solution on cocoon forum saying to "Downgrade your capx file" so i did.

    I tried to do it on v224 export it on cordova (inside construct) then compile it using cocoon. The result is still black screen but i never lose hope so i tried it to v230 and luckily it worked but with poor performance. I dont know what causes the lag/hang everytime i touch anywhere on my game. Like when you try to touch a sprite with no function (just a sprite) it lags a bit like 1second.

    My memory usage is 288mb only

    This issue is caused by the new WebGL 2.

    [quote:338lo24c]The runtime now uses WebGL 2 if the browser supports it. This probably sounds bigger than it really is - for the most part it is still executing the same code it did before, but there are two changes in WebGL 2 mode:

    Cocoon is working on a fix. ... reitberger



  • Are you testing this on a phone? If yes then 288mb is WAAAAAYYYY too much.

    I had the same thing come up in my first game months ago. Ideally it should be less than 100mb. Go for 30-50mb.

    That's right, my Match3 game uses 54 MB for images.

    Also try to avoid big resolutions of the image files, as well as big areas of transparency.

  • I finally fixed it but only by using webview+ and im not happy with the performance of the game. It lags/hang 1second everytime i tap anywhere from my game.

    My memory usage is only 288mb. Is it too much?

    Any suggestions how to fix it or how to convert in canvas+ without black screen?


    I just replied to your topic in my forum. ... omment=162

    Please follow the steps and attach me a screenshot of your error log.



  • Thanks, I'll try.


    You can play the sounds by their names.

    If you name your sounds like

    • jump_1
    • jump_2

    Audio - Play sound by name "jump_" & round(random(1,2)) //depending on your amount of sounds

  • You can't since the item's title is used to create the URL for the item and allowing to modify it would mess up the URL in the long run.

    I know it was possible before. So I guess Tom updated it.

    Maybe it would be better to use the Item ID for the URL. Something like "store/id=1225165".



  • Try Construct 3

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  • Well Ive done those steps you describe in your guide, Ive been testing my game in Testflight for a while, but im unable to test iAP or GameCenter.

    I read in another thread that I need to make my iPhone 'developer enabled' or something, and there should be an option in the iPhone's GameCenter settings to switch on Sandbox mode, but I dont have that option on my device...

    I have currently a game in testflight and I can purchase my inapps without getting charged. I never have set anything to "Sandbox".

    About the Game Center. This plugin is currently not working due a bug. Please see here. ... rking/4073

    Sadly no actions from Ludei yet.



  • Well written and detailed tutorials AndreasR! These will help a lot of people!

    > ...Even if you need a tutorial for a specific part, just let me know!


    Any chance you'd consider expanding the iTunes tutorial to demonstrate how to set up testing with Sandbox?

    I'm currently trying to figure out how test iAPs and GameCenter functionality with Sandbox and finding it pretty challenging..


    this is already covered by the tutorial. ... testflight

    You need to publish your app for "Testflight". Then you can test the Game Center and InApp Functions without getting charged for it.



  • Hi!

    I made some guides showing you how to get your games to the Google Play Store and the Apple iTunes Store.


    Google Play:



    Feel free to reply to this topic. Even if you need a tutorial for a specific part, just let me know!

  • >

    > > Hey thechriskent,

    > >

    > > Great plugin.

    > >

    > > There is no way to remove jquery dependence? There is any other alternative to parse json? Because it doesn't work on canvas+

    > >


    > I'm using Canvas+ as well and I never had any issue with the SpriteFont+ plugin.


    > Regards


    Thats is odd. When I test the game using the dev app on android and IOS, using Canvas+, the Spritefont+ texts loose the spacing, but on Webview and Webview+ it works fine.

    Maybe this issue only occur on dev app? Did not exported yet.

    It works on both at my end. I'm not sure why this is happening on your end.

    Can you send a minimalistic test capx file?



  • Hey thechriskent,

    Great plugin.

    There is no way to remove jquery dependence? There is any other alternative to parse json? Because it doesn't work on canvas+

    I'm using Canvas+ as well and I never had any issue with the SpriteFont+ plugin.


  • >

    > > Hello cranberrygame is there any chance you could update your CordovaGoogleAnalytics plugin? Im getting build errors with that plugin alone.

    > > I currently have your CordovaGame (Google Play) and CordovaChartboost plugins working in my game (with XDK) but when I add the analytics plugin I get a build error:

    > >

    > > Multiple dex files...[/code:2ortq06y]
    > > 
    > You just need to use this Git-Repo now.
    > Mines is no longer supported.
    > [url=] ... plugin.git[/url]
    > But it lets the game crash on iOS and do not track data in Android.
    > @cranberrygame
    > Can you check it?
    > I already have submitted an issue to github, but I'm not sure if the C2 plugin is the problem or the Cordova Plugin.
    > [url=] ... issues/316[/url]
    > Thank you!
    Looking at the discussion on Github, it seems like this was resolved? Another user posted that it no longer crashes iOS? Sounds promising?
    Ok so I tested this on Android. It appears that the Google Analytics still doesn't track data on Android. @AndreasR is this tracking data for you on Android Andy? I dont know if it still causes crashes on iOS...
    @cranberrygame Can we pleeeease have this fixed?  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad">  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad">  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad">


    I haven't tried it since the day I reported it. cranberrygame any change to get an update for the Cordova Google Analytics plugin?

    Thank you!


    Your link is incomplete

  • Hi Tom,

    is there a way to add an item only for one sale? Something like the "exclusivity", but without allowing more than one sale.

    So once a customer buys this item, it will be removed completely form the store.

    At the moment customers can purchase the item for the normal price till someone decides to purchase it "exclusivly".

    I do plan to sell some projects of mine.

    Thank you!



  • Update

    rex_grid_move behavior: add "action: Enable force moving" to turn on or turn off "Force move" feature.


    Here it is. Use that feature carefully, because that z index will be changed (slink) when z overlapping by rex_grid_move behavior and "Force move" --

    LZ = "#" & chess.UID[/code:q4z9l45k]
    It is better to turn off "Force move" when LZ goes back.

    Thank you very much, rexrainbow