AnD4D's Forum Posts

  • I've had my app suspended from Google Play for 7 days, and then completely removed a few hours later due to using spam for my meta-tags. Thing is, I'm not using any meta-tags at all. I wonder if this is related to the adverts.

  • szymek i think new admob dosent support mopub :( ....

    Ahh... I wonder if this is what my problem is then...

    If I have it set to demo, I see demo ads, but if I turn this off, I see nothing :(

  • Try Construct 3

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    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • szymek

    Yup, that's where I found it. The networks section... not the dashboard section. That's like saying you can post on the Construct 2 forum via the homepage.

    The dashboard is an overview of all of your ads. No problem, as I found it, but I got myself a little confused.

    In any case, as far as I can tell, it's all set up. I'm getting about 120 attempts at calling the ad, but 0 impressions. Is that unusual for a first timer? I have set all of my CPMs at 0.01.

  • viewportleft+((viewportright-viewportleft)/2) worked great! I'll use this for future games.


    That is very interesting indeed. Very clever idea for huds for multiple screen sizes. All you'd need to do is run the function at the beginning, and you're set!

  • LittleStain

    I am genuinely surprised. That actually worked. Not sure how...

    However, it did break an awful lot of my game. One example is that I had an event that would delete anything that went off screen, so things would randomly disappear when they got too close to the edge.

    Just testing out the viewport suggestion, then I'll give Colludium's a go :)

  • LittleStain - Just testing your solution first with parallax and unbounded... but I do not think that will work. While it's compiling through Ludei, I've given viewportright/2 a go, and it's put it in the centre... I just need to test that on my compiled APK and see if that worked.

  • LittleStain

    Not sure you've experienced the same as me...

    There is no centre if the screen size keeps changing. I need to do this at run time so that I can support a lot of screen sizes. With scale outer, it doesn't scale from the centre, it scales from an edge.

    I could add it to a parallax layer, but if I don't know how many pixels the screens are different by, it's no use to me.

    In this example, it could be anywhere between 100-200 pixels, but of course, there's no real way of knowing.

    I'd have thought window width would be what I need... but it doesn't work at all, even in my C2 previews.

  • I am trying to load up a game on my mobile device. At the moment, I have a title screen that is in the centre of my layout, however, while it works fine on one mobile device, the other appears to be ever so slightly larger, and so when the game loads, the title is no longer in the centre.

    Any idea how to go about this?

    I tried setting the position based on the window size, but that doesn't appear to work at all. I only get a result if it's based on the layoutwidth/2, but that doesn't work when the game is on the bigger screen.

    I should point out that I'm using CocoonJS... and it hates letterbox scale... for some daft reason. Who really uses Scale Outer?

  • Colludium

    Your access to Marketplace is currently being reviewed. You can enable your inventory and set minimum CPMs during this process; note that Marketplace will not serve ads until you have been approved. If you have questions, please contact ***.

    That one? Doh... I thought that was only for Marketplace, and wouldn't affect my AdMob adverts...

  • For me, my ad source breakdown on the MoPub dashboard is empty... but I can see my game and my ads alongside it. Is it a good idea to just delete everything and start again?

  • :( I followed this tutorial, and I'm not getting any ads appearing. I did have ads appearing that were a demo, and in my cocoonjs Launcher debug I was seeing ads... but in my final version not even the space for them is appearing.

    As far as I'm aware I've followed the tutorial, but some of it doesn't appear to match up. For example, I can't add my ID anywhere in the dashboard section of MoPub as far as I can tell.

  • ArcadEd

    Oh sorry, I was in the middle of testing between overlap and collision when I took the screenshot. One of them was meant to be crossed out.

  • ArcadEd, yes, but nothing major.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    This is what it looks like. As soon as I disable that line at the bottom, everything runs perfectly smooth.

    No idea why.

  • Strange thing keeps happening. I made a very simple game for mobile... hardly any graphics, no music, no sound... but I kept noticing some severe slow down, and couldn't figure out why.

    I pulled my game apart, and found that whenever a global variable is altered, the game pauses. Originally I had a global variable constantly being altered, but I've now changed it to once every second. Low and behold, now I get a slow down once every second.

    Anyone else able to replicate this?

  • Thanks Arima. The $50 was for someone to actually go through my 300+ event capx and figure out the problem. That was to save me from 5+ hours of tweaking. Sadly nobody seemed interested so I ended up finding the problem and coming up with a solution on my own.

    It's appreciated though, and I will PM you directly if I get stuck again with my code as a whole with a cash incentive.