Are you using the latest Ejecta build/xcode/C2?
I'm using the Ejecta plugin provided with the latest C2. The xcode version I'm using is whatever is provided in the tutorial.
Are you running the game on an emulator or a device and what device/iOS version?
I'm using a mac with an intel chip, and running the game through the Xcode emulator.
Are you getting any errors in xcode?
None. It tells me the build succeeded, shows me a black portrait screen (even if I set it to landscape) then after a few minutes, Xcode tells me it lost contact with the (emulated) device.
If I understood correctly, after running the game you see the splashscreen, after that a black screen. Does the game crash? Is anything loaded in the memory before crashing?
I see a black screen. Then, a minute or 2 later, the Ejecta splash may appear, but often I've gotten bored and just got on with other work, so I may have missed the splash screen the other times. It definitely doesn't appear quickly. How do I see if anything loaded into memory before the crash?
Would I be able to send you the capx?