Failed to move .capx.tmp to .capx

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  • Problem Description

    Error saving 'New Project' - the project has NOT been saved to disk. We apologize for any loss of work. you may want to report this to scira.

    Message: Failed to move .capx.tmp to .capx

    I am working off of a cloud drive, but nothing new has happened or changed, as far as I am aware. Was fine with a previous version.

    Someone else brought it up here...

    Attach a Capx

    It's the save button in Construct 2... not sure a capx would help.

    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open C2
    • Save
    • Watch the program delete your CAPX
    • Save as in order to recover your work

    Observed Result

    It fails to save, and error message appears, the capx is effectively deleted.

    Expected Result

    It to save

    Affected Browsers


    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Well, tbh, don't work from a cloud drive, use that for backup. I also suggest saving it as a project (e.g. individual files) unless you actually want a single file .capx to send to someone. I've had C2 crash with image issues a couple of time, fortunately nothing terminal but fiddly to sort out. Saving as project seems to work more reliably.

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  • Well, tbh, don't work from a cloud drive, use that for backup. I also suggest saving it as a project (e.g. individual files) unless you actually want a single file .capx to send to someone. I've had C2 crash with image issues a couple of time, fortunately nothing terminal but fiddly to sort out. Saving as project seems to work more reliably.

    Worked perfectly fine for 3 years straight... and I work on my laptop and 2 pcs, so being able to work off of one file is useful. Suddenly stopped working after installing 206... but OK.

  • Closing, my response is the same as the linked thread, I need reliable steps to reproduce. I suspect whatever cloud system you are using is somehow conflicting with C2's save process. In case it crashes during saving, to avoid corrupting your project it first saves to file.capx.tmp. Then, only if the complete save process was successful, right at the end it deletes file.capx and renames file.capx.tmp to file.capx immediately afterwards. I guess the cloud sync software manages to work its way in to the gap and block C2 from renaming the file. I'm not sure what we could do about this without risking corrupting projects if it crashes during saving!

  • I would add that I have had similar save problems (not sure if 206 onwards) and I'm definitely *not* using cloud saving.

    I haven't been able to reproduce it. What seems to happen - I think - is that something gets out of sequence in the image editor - it's always related to this - , and one of the images goes AWOL , then it starts complaining it can't load the capx because the image isn't there - not sure because I've exclusively used project directories for the last month or so. It happened on 2/3 occasions for me, and I wasn't doing anything unusual at the time (e.g. external editor). Since using projects the problem has never happened again.

  • Yeah, I had the same after I started saving to the pc rather than the cloud folder. It even came up with a message asking me to copy and paste (CTRL-C) an error message, but when I did that it just made an error noise, and nothing was copied.

    But this bug is closed, so who cares, right?

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