AmphibianOblivion's Forum Posts

  • I've taken a hiatus on working on my game, and once i came back to it, I was hit with "Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 single-file (.c3p) project." I opened the console log and saw this.

    Any ideas on what to do? Nearly had a heart attack seeing that message.

  • I have a precision platformer I'm making currently, and the only thing wrong with it is that the jumps are too difficult, and I've been looking into this but cannot figure out how to do it with jump sustain too, any ideas?


  • I'm making a game inspired by pikmin, and I want to make it so my "pikmin" don't all clump together, and instead push off of eachother, I've tried the solid behavior but it just messes things up, and not how I want the game to work.


  • I have this event that makes my double-jumps have different animations, and the jumps can theoretically go on infinitely, so I'd like to swap out checking for 1 and 2, and instead check if the number is an odd or even number.


  • I've been scheming a rogue-lite for a while, and I've managed to figure out how to code RNG and everything else, but I have no clue how to store basically infinite passive items, how would I manage to store my passive items?

  • I've been using Construct 3 for about 1 and a half years, I'm rather curious about how these work, and maybe could be shown some examples of them in action?

  • I managed to solve this, not intentionally though.

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  • I'm making a top-down shooter game, I use z to mirror my player and x to not mirror, I'm trying to make it so that the 2 objects I use for shooting will set animation speed either Z or X is down so the player can shoot, but It for some reason only works if both are down.


  • wait, I think I had a brain fart, I realized I didn't have them set visible, sorry for the unneeded post

  • When the conditions are met my image that shows you unlocked something doesn't appear and stays non-visible

  • I'm making a roguelike similar to isaac, etg, nt, and I've nailed the code for unlocking unlockables but I'd like to let players know they unlocked something, my attempts haven't worked (image shown here):


  • I've managed to kind of figure it out, just make the conveyor belt movement speed a speed of the middle of 2 points (my characters max speed is 50 so I used the middle of 50 and 25, you get middles by adding both, and dividing by 2), and make the vector x become a smaller number (use maths, i.e the smaller number from before mentions divided by like 2,4,6, and maybe 8). remember to use -#'s for left, and +#'s for right.

    (please if you can, correct my code and send it here)

    Image of my code to show my functions:

  • I'm looking for not a complete stop on the conveyor belt when trying to move the opposite way you move slowly, I'm tinkering with changing the vector x, but I'm getting the same results as the simulate movement way you said.

  • I have the idea of adding/subtracting to the x coordinates for it to work, but it may interfere with the movement of the player, how can I make a conveyor belt that slows the player down when moving against it, but adds speed when moving with it?

  • Thank you for your input, overlooking your reply has sparked that I use a second save file to simply load back to "base camp" which always saves while in the area. thank you :)