Alon's Forum Posts

  • I'm not sure if possible or how exactly but is it much more complicated to make gradient based on 2 selected colors? same concept of the above wheel examples by: noah and rokstars322

    I would like to make a sprite in the size of the layout so it will be possible to make a gradient from 2 colors for example from White to Black will make it smooth gradient in between.

    I did some tests with just canvas 2 color gradient but the result always looked weird (the gradient was like 5th of the screen instead of exactly half white and half black (gray in-between of course) more like in photoshop, it was so confusing to me that I didn't even try to think about the color wheel code example hehe :D

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  • Thanks for sharing rokstars322 :)

    I'll play around with your version soon!

  • Alon

    You can make what you want using the Drawing Canvas

    Try this:

    This is really cool noah :) thanks for sharing.

    I need to play with it and see if I can implement this to my project!

    I think I'll try to paste the "Selected Color" when exporting but I need to UN-Paste it after exporting somehow (so it won't stay on the background for good since my default will be an Empty Frame (transparent).

  • Dear Noncentz705 Any chance you will port this amazing addon to C3?

  • I just posted a request, hopefully someone will consider to do that one day.

    In the meanwhile, I'll just try to think of other (simple enough for my level) solutions to do. :)

  • Can someone please port this color picker addon for C3 ?

    C2 color picker Addon[/url Thanks ahead!

  • C2 plugin:

    (working download link in comments)

    Maybe you can find someone who can port it to C3.

    Yeah... unfortunately it's not a built-in feature in C3 yet. :(

    I thought about alternatives way but they are very complex for me to do (not for my level), I thought about using the sliders with HSL but it's not what I look for, I want a simple picker / chooser.

    I'm now playing with the "ReplaceColor" effect for the first time, using a Sprite starting with a WHITE color as source, but again.. changing it using a slider is not what I want to do and making a picker is something I don't believe I understand exactly how to do base on color image, a true color-picker would be REALLY nice... but I guess there is no plan for useful features like this anytime soon.

  • Hi All,

    Is there a plugin for that out there? even non-official will do the job as long as it works.

    I would like to add a color gradient for the user to CLICK to apply the specific color to the canvas in real-time. for example:

    Thanks ahead!


  • So, is saving works fine now?

    You can find out how many objects you need to add for the file size to reach 1Mb, I think a lot. And probably nothing awful will happen, but the file may take a bit longer to save - there will be a delay before "Save as" dialog appears.

    Yes for the current test I can pretty much add many more objects without the weird hidden-saving-window problem (btw it never appeared before, even if I wait 10 minutes) it just... wasn't there but ANYWAY that's a HUGE progress, THANK YOU SO MUCH Sensei Dop! :)

    Just to be sure I'll keep on testing, tweaking more things instead of just placing objects over the screen while one eye on the other screen with the console open.

    Maybe I should somehow... LOCK any mouse interactivity while saving and put some "SAVING... Please Wait " message on the screen.

    I'm not sure how to LOCK all the mouse interactions or WHERE to insert such event, but do you think this idea could be useful or just waste of time / cosmetics, your opinion matters a lot! (I'm not just asking).

    I'll keep updating if I'll find out something weird.. who knows, that's why I must test before I proceed.

  • Thanks sensei dop! I'm about to follow your instructions and do that test.

    Before I go deeper to try replicate the problem as you suggested, I've added the "TempArray Set size to 0" at the start of event 185:

    I've start creating MANY objects (but not as much as an actual creation will be) and as I look carefully on the side-screen with the Console, it updates with more sense as you've mentioned!

    The size file became around 107k - So it means that the bug of the disappearing window is related to the file size somehow (still doesn't make sense to me but what do I know).

    Some ugly temporary shapes (before I work on the actual assets)

    The question is... what happens if and when the file will become around 1MB or more? (it can happen as I have layers of many objects to create)

    Is there anything else I can make to reduce the file size?

    or in other words... make sure this bug won't happen again?

  • Oh... I see! so basically the size of the files shouldn't be HUGE even if there are ZILLION of objects on the screen?

    You sure got a point! you know what you're talking about while I can only guess, RESPECT! :)

    OK, so I followed your suggested JSON analyze website, I copy-past the inside of the files.

    I see how it split the sizes from above but as soon as I get inside to explore... beside (number instances) I don't understand anything, I guess analyzing won't help me as a non-programmer it's all numbers that I can't relate or understand... at least I tried.


    Maybe this will make sense, here are 2 files I've SAVED from my software:

    1 - THIS FILE saved STRAIGHT away as soon as the software opens, No Objects created! SIZE = 23kb

    2 - THIS FILE saved AFTER Creating 10 Objects! SIZE = 225kb

    I did NOT use Undo or Redo, or Import or ANY OTHER button, just to help hunting down the issue.

    I wonder what it is that causing the size go HUGE beside extra objects on the screen?

  • Why the save size suddenly goes up from 50KB to over 3MB when you click save? It should be the same size as when saving Undo steps.

    Another weird thing, I noticed that What shows in the console 3MB is NOT the size of the file at the end as I mentioned it was 1MB (or less) for the specific file I saved (as shown on my early post).

    This is not normal, there must be some other event in your project that's causing this.

    As you can see on the screenshot above there are more then few objects on the screen, it make sense that the file will become bigger compare to an empty canvas, right?

    And when the user will put more and more objects on the screen I guess it will get easily to 10-100 MB or MORE because of so many objects on the screen, but I don't know why it is sooo HUGE! it's weird.

    Maybe you also take a snapshot of the screen and load it into Binary data or something like that. 3MB save is A LOT, and it explains why there is a significant delay in displaying the "Save as" dialog.

    As I explained above, I did NOT change a THING from your original system SAVE/LOAD and UNDO/REDO

    On my tests I ONLY click the SAVE button, no export, no nothing... pure clicking SAVE button so why should it even take a snapshot? especially after you helped me separate the LOAD/IMPORT to groups I thought it will make better managing instead of hidden clashes that I can never find.

    YES! it is not just a lot it is HUGE! and that's only for few objects... what will happens when an actual creation FULL of objects on the screen? 200MB file?! this is not normal indeed.

    If you can't figure out why this happens, try to analyze the .alon file, see maybe there is a huge block of data that shouldn't be there, or thousands of small ones.. Try this tool for example:

    Thanks! I will try this and have a look, I'll also try: EMPTY file and File With few Objects created, before I'll update in here.

    One thing I know for sure is that I did not put "No Save" on my menu Buttons (Save, Load, Export, Import, Quit, etc..) it is temporary because I have some issues with the Tween of their panel when not saving them (maybe I'll use containers! thanks to you I just discovered this feature!)

    But when I checked the difference it was about 10k without buttons, that's not the issue.

  • OK! I think I'm on to something, but I'm not sure what it means!

    I think IT IS related somehow to the UNDO/REDO after all (again I DIDN'T TOUCH IT or the SAVE/LOAD since last time).

    TEST #1:

    My latest test was CREATING and cloning more objects UNTIL THE SAVE ISSUE happens:

    When I cannot save, I UNDO few times until I CAN SAVE AGAIN! the window is working...

    TEST #2:

    When I REDUCE the MAX UNDO to 10 (from 64) I can create MANY more objects on the screen without the issue to appear... and it happens again (I didn't eliminate it by reducing MAX Undos)

    I don't even have to use CTRL+Z to undo while creating, it's probably something about how many undo saves it creates in the background, but I still don't understand HOW it's related to the SAVE window?!

    Size of the project file is about 1MB saving and loading VERY fast:

    10 UNDOs is not enough for what I'm trying to achieve it is not enough... 32 still brings the issue back

    Could it be related to MAXIMUM save in a way? if so... why it won't let me save?!

    TEST #3:

    When I load the above project file and add 1 MORE OBJECT (or clone it) the SAVE ISSUE appears immediately, even if I just run on from a fresh C3 Preview (clean NEW project without UNDO's or anything).

    Current Saving System:

    THE (stupid) walk-around:

    Whenever the Saving Window doesn't appear I UNDO (Ctrl+Z) and REDO (Ctrl+Y) and I click the SAVE button and the SAVING WINDOW appears normally and allow me to save...

    Maybe these experimental tests can help hunt down where the issue is and how do I eliminate it?

  • Me again...

    I didn't want to make a new thread because this issue is somehow related to the SAVE that I thought we solved, but it appears in a different situation:


    Starting to make a tiny scene in my software creating few objects, tweaking them, changing size, rotate, etc.. SAVING at first few times works like a charm, I can save, load, import etc..

    So far so good! :)



    I started to "TEST" my software by adding MORE objects and having fun... so much fun that I almost forget I'm TESTING it... the save ISSUE/BUG is back: when I click "SAVE" nothing happens.......

    I didn't expect it because I thought we've already solved this with the mighty help from dop2000!

    Since that change we did with the GROUPS to enable/disable I didn't even touch the Save/Load section.



    So, the first I did is trying to check out what's up via the Console, and I actually can see that I click and IT IS "TRYING" to save.. but it's waiting for me to save, the PROBLEM IS: there is no SAVING WINDOW so I cannot save, it's like it's not popping up so whenever I click SAVE again it will just requesting another "invisible" saving window that I cannot see (because it doesn't exist) and that's why it's kind of stuck and I can't actually SAVE!

    I also tried testing FEW MORE TIMES (without using UNDO/REDO and with) it doesn't matter, the SAVE is sick.

    Last time it was a random saving related to undos and other mess, this time... it's PURE SAVING issue... (or NW.js issues? I wish I knew).

    When I cannot SAVE I just quit the software and the console give me that SAME warning:

    So it's obviously WAITING for saving but... WHERE IS THE SAVING WINDOW ?

    I didn't see anything strange on C3 Debugger, and it's obviously related to the NW.js "SAVING WINDOW" is not there anymore... but still wants me to SAVE AS and click OK... so it waits, I don't know how to explain it better.

    I'm starting to think it's a NW.js issue because it's like the window is "SOMEWHERE" but in none of my screens waiting for me to save the file and continue creating my stuff.


    Any ideas how can I test it in different ways?

    How do I track down the issue?

    Maybe I need to CHANGE something in the code like to limit the saving ONCE per window appearing or something weird that I can't even think how to do?

    I cannot replicate this to a fresh new project, it must be tested on my current project version because it is most of the code anyway... ANY suggestions are very welcome and appreciated!

    Thanks head!

  • YUP! it was the Containers! :)

    I never used containers before it sounds like a VERY useful tool, like hierarchy child-parenting in compositing I guess (from reading the manuals) but in practice it's the best way to learn.

    I wonder if it's a only C3 feature like Families.

    The Tank example is nice but like most of the manual things are not very clear for example what about changing all values/instance variables to absolute or relative of all contained objects at the same time, or just location, and why not using families if it's grouping others, I have so much more to learn... yeah, I'm confused, I have much more to learn, but never mind that... one by one, unfortunately my brain isn't big enough.