Alon's Forum Posts

  • Thanks blackhornet, I didn't know it's possible.

    Here is the file, I tried to keep it clean... please notice, the frame-change (Left Right arrows) works only on the very first shape you create for some reason...

    Here is the file:

    Hope you or anybody else can help me solve this Clone / Duplicate issue.

  • Hey guys,

    I looked at the "Taking screenshots.capx" example file which is great.

    And I'm curious about 2 things:

    1 - Is there an option or a plugin/behavior that will allow capture a region and export as .png file BUT... with alpha channel.

    2 - When taking screenshot on the example, it captures everything on the canvas.

    Is it possible to take a screenshot of a specific layer only?

    If any of the above are possible... A tutorial or a .capx file will be appreciated.

    Sorry about my bad English.

    Thanks ahead.

  • I Agree, but unfortunately I can't post links at all since I'm still a noob at the forums.

    I also had the same problem with other threads...

  • I'm still trying to mess around with the all thing but I got lost, I guess it's too complicated for me because I'm still a beginner...

    An example .capx file will be appreciate if anyone interested to help.

    Thanks ahead!

  • Thanks for the fast reply blackhornet,

    The thing is that I start the layout clean. I have a button that create the sprites.

    Each sprite created on the layout start with a random frame.

    Do I need to make this 'store action' on every time I create a new sprite?

    Will this eat the memory/performances if I'll create lots of sprites on the screen?

  • Hey Guys!

    I have a sprite that have a few frames (animation).

    The animation is on speed 0, and I can change the frames with the Right/Left arrows.

    What I'm trying to do is:

    When I'll click on this sprite with the middle click button, it will create a new sprite with the same position, angle, size, and.... the main problem: with the exact same frame that the sprite was BEFORE I click over.

    Basically, I want to make some kind of "clone" or "duplicate" of the exact same status of the latest sprite.

    Any help will be appreciated, Thanks ahead!

    * Sorry about my bad English

  • This is really amazing way to resize and rotate a sprite!

    Is there a Behaviour or Plugin for the same task?

    I'm a beginner C2 user, such tool is very impressive and useful.

    Sorry about my bad English.

  • Cool, I'm not allowed to post links yet since I'm still a noob around the forums...

    So I will try to send you the file via PM?


    I guess I'm not allowed to PM either... hehe

    How can I send you the .capx file?

  • I've created a global number "headVariable = 0"

    and when the player touch the hat/helmet headVariable = 1 and destroy the hat/helmet (there are 2, one out of the layout which will change the position) and one that is for collide and collect.

    So... when I moved the "Every tick" event as a sub-event when headVariable = 1

    it's working on the X only, the bumping head on the Y won't affect it.

    Any idea what I did wrong, or how I make it work when the headVariable = 1 ?

  • Thank you galacticfan!

    Your explanation is very good, I did exactly what you've explained and it works, but the problem is that there is a delay... so when my character is running (it's not so fast, just a bit slower than the default speed) the helmet/hat is following him...

    So I guess the "Every tick" is not like: "Always" if there is such thing in C2, I have no idea.

    Maybe there is a similar solution using the Pin behaviour? but I'm not sure how to accomplish this exactly.

    Is it possible to use the Pin behaviour to imagePoint X+Y ?

    Thanks ahead!


    Working! I just added a pin action after and it works now!

  • Hello everybody,

    When my character is on RUN animation, his head is bumping up and down.

    So I've created a new Image Origin and put it on his forehead on every frame.

    Since I'm new to C2 I would love to see an example file or video?

    I'm trying to do something like this:

    EDIT: The link to the youtube video removed because I'm newbie at the forums.

    Search on YouTube for: "Construct 2 Tutorial- Image Origins" and you'll see what I mean on the 29 seconds of the video.

    A step-by-step explanation from the beginning, will be very helpful.

    Thanks ahead!

    * Sorry about my bad English.

  • Well, if I remove it we're back to the part where it plays once... and no more lol

    Wow... I never thought that my first experience with C2 will be so confusing.

    I can't give up yet... still trying to mess with it, there must be a solution!

    Maybe there is a "secret" plugin or behavior I need to download?

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  • I tried to clean almost everything else like the other buttons to make sure that I will find what is wrong with my code... because I have no clue why there is no sound at all when I use your way, maybe I did something wrong and I missed it?

    Please let me know what is wrong here, so I can fix it:

  • Yes, I followed your instructions.

    Maybe a good solution could be with variables like some kind of more manual trigger/toggle option of the sound but I'm very new to C2 I still need to learn how to create variables hehe...

  • Thanks Rabenmutter,

    I just tried your way and the result is just like the very first problem:

    If I press "UP" many times (while the player is on the air) I can flood it with so many jump sounds.

    Any more ideas, or example files will be welcome.