AlmostDigital's Forum Posts

  • I see. They are 99% static, so I think I'll try turning them into sprites instead. Thanks for the swift reply and the help.

  • I have spent a good chunk of time reading everything I could find on the forum, but I couldn't find anything that would really help me figure this out without complicating things.

    Is there an efficient way to use tilemaps only when I try to achieve tilemap depth? I want players walking in front or behind an object. I achieved something by putting 2 tilemaps on 2 different layers (above and below the player) but I find myself in a situation where the player often clips through that method.

    I could use sprites for objects instead of tilemaps, but is that going to hinder my performance? There are quite a lot of objects in scenes I plan to do and I'd rather use tilemaps if possible. I also tried changing the Z-order of the tilemap, but it affects all objects on the tilemap as a whole.

  • Dark-O [Basic Icon Pack] — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This is a pack of 18 icons used often in games and applications. </p><p>Check out the screenshot to see which ones are included. When you buy this pack, what you get is:</p>

    • Original vector (.EPS, .CDR & .AI)
    • Individual .PNG icons (100x100)

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Dark-O [Basic Icon Pack]

  • Hello everyone,

    this is straightforward, it's about the audio focus on android. Whenever I run my app / game made with C2, all the other audio stops. In other words, my mp3 player stops and won't continue as long the app is running. How could I make this work?

  • I have been struggling with this one for a bit. I know how to use Ajax, PHP and all that. But the JSON I am referring to is the one I get from saving - SaveStateJSON

    I get the JSON, but it's super-long and when downloading it via Array or Dictionary, I get 5 json files, each with different strings. What gives?

    But, to make it easier, I will explain what I am trying to do. I wish to create a level, save it and share it with other people playing the same game. However, I wish to do that via PHP or any other way so, when at the start, it reads the info from the internet and constructs the level for the player the way I saved it. How can I do this? Thank you.

    Edit: I get the JSON and I tried saving it to Variables, as a project item / file, etc. Tried using PHP to GET the data or to read it from a textbox. I can't get it to work.

  • So, just a question, does this engine support any kind of NPR shading? Cell-shading?

  • Hello this is my code for Facebook profile picture, everything is fine, but when i try to login, it only shows my facebook name, but place (sprite) when i load image from url shows only Questionmark (?).

    Do you have any suggestions for this problem, what is best solution?

    Thank you if you help me! ... roblem.png

    *****************THIS IS PICTURE OF CODE**********************

  • Hello , i have made game in AirConsole, also i added controller. When i try to test my game this happens ->

    This is my construct 2 code for game->

    This is how my file looks unzipped->

    This is how my controller.html code looks ->

    So my problem it wont to read my controller.html and screen.html, as you can see on 1st picture, in debug console.

    Do you have any solution for this, and do i need some special js file, because i readed that is js root of game.

    If you can help me i'll be so thankfull.

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • EDIT: After a long morning, I have finally discovered what was causing the problem. The problem was, that I had "Use high-DPI display" turned on. I didn't know that my Samsung j7 doesn't have a high-DPI display. If someone else has had similar experiences with it, could you please share the information you gathered, or if someone know any way to make high-DPI work on a cellphone.

    Best Regards, Almost Digital

  • Hello everybody! I have tryed to export my test layout to be fullscreen, but whenever i do it by it shows 1/4 of my screen. I done this 100 times and it wont work, i added everything "fullscreen in browser" things, turned off "use High DPI display", webgl was disabled etc. 1st i was exported 1920x1080 for full HD and 960x540, just to be sure, i was deleted config file in exported version etc. etc. I tryed everything with too. Do you have some suggestions, or its just bug?

    If you help me i will appreciate that.

    Thank you!

  • So I've been struggling lately with this issue. I have a leaderboard done in MySQL and I "get" and "post" all requests via AJAX and PHP. I get the top 10 (or any number), but I don't know how to get the players rank in the whole database.

    If I get it right, I have to request the whole database and filter it to match the players ID. However, it's a mobile game and requesting the whole database seems like it could cause performance issues.

    How can I do this? (I know how to get the rank inside MySQL, but I struggle with construct)

  • I am interested in this plugin, but I have to know, does this work on mobile? (Intel XDK or

    Thank you.

  • It was Cranberry, he has a plugin that he doesn't support anymore and it is not compatible in the XDK as the build fails every time and requires a CLI version lower than 5.0. There don't be seem to be any other.

  • So one thing I noticed about the IAP (which by the way, works flawlessly) has not an option for consumables (like coins and things like that). Once and item has been bought, there is no way to buy it again. Clicking the same button to buy doesn't give any dialog whatsoever. I understand it has to do something with letting google know that the user used the product and that it is consumed. How do I do this? Cranberries plugin is not supported and all / any other plugins give me an build error in XDK. The few tutorials about this only cover things like premium and paying to remove ads.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • So I am dealing with the more advanced stuff that I don't understand. Long story short, I am developing a mobile game and it uses Facebook and Admob together. Cranberrygames plugin works if installed individually but not together and I get a multidex (dependency) build error. I know it's the Android Support V4, but I have no idea how to delete it from the /lib without affecting the build directly.

    After installing Facebook4 (Wizcorp) I was able to build successfully, however, I am facing a key-hash error. And I solved that, but now I get a "user logged in as a different facebook user" error and the only solution is to type a sort of command into the main activity that uses the login process.

    My question is, how do I (and where exactly) put this to make it work?


    public void onError(FacebookException e) {

    if (e instanceof FacebookAuthorizationException) {

    if (AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken() != null) {



