Allchix's Forum Posts

  • IntelRobert : My bad, Spriter animations are working with Crosswalk.

    I also did some further FPS tests with my game.


    Samsung Galaxy S III: 60 FPS

    Nexus 7 (2012, the old one): 60 FPS

    Memory: 80-100 MB RAM


    Samsung Galaxy S III: 58 FPS

    Nexus 7 (2012, the old one): 38 FPS

    Memory: 140-150 MB RAM

    I still get some delay with sound effects sometimes in Crosswalk, but all in all I am happy with the responsiveness of the new exporter.

    IntelRobert, do you know if the memory usage will be optimized in the near future? Apart from that and some other minor issues, I see great potential in Crosswalk.

    Also, please excuse my ignorance, but can anyone tell me, what the best exporter for IOS is at the moment? I can see that you can export to IOS with the Intel software too, but I think Crosswalk is Android exclusive?

    I would prefer to publish all my apps for Android and IOS with Intel, rather than with CocoonJS.

    Thank you.

  • Intelrobert: First, thank you so much for your open communication with the community. I think we all here appreciate that very much.

    So I tested the new exporter as well but I noticed 3 things:

    1. My Spriter animations aren't working. They work perfectly fine in Chrome, Node-Webkit and CocoonJS. I use the most up to date version of spriter/ the plugin and all my animations are running on ".scon"

    2. My game uses even more memory ( RAM ) than it did with CocoonJS. In Construct 2, testing with Chrome, it says 12 MB. With CocoonJS I get 80-100 MB, with Crosswalk I get 140 MB. Which is very surprising. I don't know if I do something wrong here, since I though Crosswalk handles memory well.

    3. Playing the game feels a bit "wobbly", like playing a website hosted HTML 5 game on your phone. CocoonJS feels more natural and like a real app here. The framerate was OK with Crosswalk. I don't know how to find out the exact FPS, but It felt mostly fluent ( with CocoonJS the game runs with 60 FPS). Next the CPU usage was higher than with CocoonJS: Crosswalk 5% CPU, Cocoonjs: 1-3% CPU.

    All in all, I trust that Intel will make Crosswalk work properly. I am just skeptic, if they will manage to capture the 100% native app feel eventually.

    Did anyone make similar experiences with memory management and Spriter animations?

  • If Microsoft is so desperate, maybe they shouldn't have made a developer license so expensive. Microsoft smartphones only have something like 3.3% market share, yet their license costs as much as apple's.

    Normally you would assume, MS quickly wants to close the app gap to android and apple by attracting developers with cheap prices, but it looks like MS has their own genius plans.

  • I can't get it to install too. It's extracting and then it just crashes.

    Windows XP 32bit

    Does anyone know: Is it possible to do the whole process online? Or will I definitely need this software on my PC?

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  • This really takes away all my hope to make a proper mobile game. It's sad, I bought construct 2 because it clearly says on the first website page, that this software can export to mobiles. I didn't expect that this means, that I can either have a lagy game, or one that can only support one level due do ram usage.

    I am not sure what to do at this stage, I love construct 2 and the communication the developers maintain with their community.

    But let's be honest, the only way to make a successful game is in the mobile market. Steam, Xbox, Kongregate, etc etc. All just mere peanuts compared with the numbers you can achieve with a mobile game.

    Sadly, everyday it looks more and more like Unity is the only option here. Ludei is crazy. They talk about 3D games, apps, at twitter they even mentioned google glasses at same stage. And at the same time, they can not even make sound play right.

    Sorry for the whiny post, but I feel like in a bad relationship :(

  • Hi Scythuz,

    this is my first post, just to honor you =P. The music is amazing. If I should use one of your sounds for my upcoming game, I will definitely donate $10 or something. Free, high quality music like yours has to be valued.

    Just one question: Do you intend to make short music tracks one day? Like, lets say 2-5 seconds long, which can be repeated?

    My main focus is to create mobile games and as you may know, memory usage is a huge problem there. So those short tracks would be quite handy.

    Thank you