alf's Forum Posts

  • 1 posts
  • Hello,

    I had seen Construct a few weeks ago, along with other game design platforms, but just yesterday I finally decided to download the free version and build a couple tutorials.

    I liked what I saw, and even if I could code a game from scratch, why would I if it is already built-in? C2 lets me focus on the fun aspects like the game mechanics, concepts, rules and design, without having to spend time building less interesting stuff like collisions, borders, etc.

    After the tutorials I checked the blog, still not completely convinced, and i found out about r100. After a couple hours of consideration, I purchased at midnight.

    I have a few game concepts in mind, so I will be around here on the forum while I start building.

    About me, well, I am a Software Engineer, with long time experience in other areas (financial, web technologies and project management). Recently starting to explore game design, AI and robotics. I was born and lived most of my life in Costa Rica. Now I am traveling the world (I am currently in Tbilisi, Georgia).

    I love strategy games (both RTS and turn based), casual games on FB and/or mobile, MMOs, and occasionally shooters, fight and race games, but I have never been particularly good at them.

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  • 1 posts