No worries. It just the way I am doing things as efficient as possible I could think off.
Use expression as following: Angle(object.X, object.Y, reference.X, reference.Y)
where "reference" refer to another point of position towards the angle.
A fancy control scheme (warning expression extensive!) for both keyboard and touch control:
Let me know what you think.
I didn't get it. Your project just works fine, the player can't go through any obstacle. Is there any game title as reference to understand what you are after?
You meant tile movement behavior? Possible but need some work around. Why not just pathfinding behavior?
My "Family" approach:
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
It has been asked many times and I provide an example:
Look no more:
Boss fight tutorial with example:
There are several examples on grid pathfinding in forum try do a search.
My example related to your question:
To set values add loop "for" in condition and set end index to length/width of array. Now just set value at(loopindex) to values you are referring by using another loop "for" for the value. More or less like that to simplify filling an array.
I learn that in first example it is makes sense using direction angle between 90 and -90 which is utilize facing & angle degree at once. Nice & modular.
Such an enjoyment to play the game despite that I don't know all the rule especially with the cat's hand.
You can drive behavior or object properties via event based on reference or comparison.
An example:
Construct engine is general purpose 2D game engine. Mugen engine probably the one to ease developing fighting game which is more straight for that purpose. Again is all about how creative you programme the AI and all interaction stuff. Finite state machine is most common practiced in decision making so I encourage you to learn about it.