I have 3 sprite, which overlap each other, we can say they are the same width and X is the same. There are bullet sprite. I made a condition that the collision ("on collision") With any of these sprites (one event through "or") Bullet destroyed and taken away from the Live variable 35.
So, if the bullet hits the point of overlap of the 3 sprites, then the variable will be taken away three times the number is 105.
Can somehow fix it?
Tried and family to do all the sprites and check for collision with the family, does not help. Just trying to make a variable that is set to 0 when the bullet collides with sprites and after some time it becomes equal to 1, and that only when variable = 1, only consuming 35 did not help. Tried to make and through Overlapping and Trigger Once, all also did not work.
Can I somehow fix it and make that would take up only 35 in each collision, and no matter how many bullet grazed sprites?