sorry construct 2 isn't with me right now so i cannot try to make exact conditions or actions but i may help with an algorthm
set compareValue = -1
set counter = 0
*********loop for each row of sprites ************
pick sprite
**compare if sprites value equal to compare value OR spires value is "0"**
counter = counter +1
set compare value = picked sprites value
set counter= 1
** end if **
********* end loop ************
if counter >=4 add *** to players score
set counter = 0
compare value is set to -1 so we gaurantee that first pick will always false
if you going to destroy the objects after achieving a score make their isntance variable like toBeDestroyed=true if conditions are met. if not, pick all reset the variables and continue like:
*********loop for each row of sprites ************
pick sprite
set sprites toBeDestroyed = true
**compare if sprites value equal to compare value OR spires value is "0"**
counter = counter +1
set compare value = picked sprites value
set counter= 0
pick all sprites, and make toBeDestroyed= false
** end if **
********* end loop ************
if counter >=4 add *** to players score
set counter = 0
pick all sprites if toBeDestroyed =true then destroy.
i hope u understood what i ment. sorry for such stupid coding