You can search through the tutorials. How to Make a Memory Game in Construt3 Principles from tutorials made for Construct 2 should still apply to Construct 3 : Memory Game with the characters of One Piece Memory game tutorial Memory Match Game - Extending a Game Template Creating a Memory Match Game
You can search through the tutorials.
How to Make a Memory Game in Construt3
Principles from tutorials made for Construct 2 should still apply to Construct 3 :
Memory Game with the characters of One Piece
Memory game tutorial
Memory Match Game - Extending a Game Template
Creating a Memory Match Game
muchas gracias, me es un poco dificil encontrar los tutoriales
Thank you very much, it is a bit difficult for me to find the tutorials
Have you gone through the beginner's guide : ? It is a nice way to get started and learn a lot about how Construct works.
Have you gone through the beginner's guide : ?
It is a nice way to get started and learn a lot about how Construct works.
I'm just getting to know this site, but believe me I'll accept your advice friend, thanks
I would like you to help me make two sprites can be discarded with a click from a group of objects (also selectable with the mouse) memory game style
Thank you very much, it is just what I was looking for, I am very new to this, but I really like it, sorry about the language
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
necesito saber como puedo hacer que un sprite cambie de apariencia al hacer click en el
I need to know how I can make a sprite change appearance when I click on it