aldhy's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • yeah.. congrats for all the winner..

    i hope the competition like this will continue on 2012..

    salaam.. <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • same as me, my fixed version game is below of a competition entry post above.. thx

  • ups.. absolutely forgot about that... left and right arrow keys is for move.. and up arrow is to rent a vehicle when the coin is enough..

    i will update that game's manual soon as possible..

    And what i wanted on this game is whose the player must be survive arounding the world.. how many times player arounding the world.. and claim what they have done after he/she played on online highscore (myhope)

    i wanted to make this game more complex if i can make it more than 100 event.. and i'll learn more, how to make people easier to understand our game.. thanks..

  • for another version, out of these competition.. Around The World

  • a)Around The World




    I've got a lot of trouble with my data and my internet connection.. i hope it's not my end... thanks..

  • i hope, i still have a time for it...


  • yeah... it's absolutely work..

  • i have the same problem..

    Uninstall (restart pc) and reinstall C2 is useless..

  • hey..!!

    my name is Aldhy from Indonesia. i'm a student from Game Design of Multimedia STIKOM SURABAYA. Be a game developer is my dream since i was kid. honestly, I don't understand about programming, and it's make me like a dreamer. But, with Construct Classic and Construct 2, i think i'm not a dreamer anymore. I want to be a professional with my drawing and designing skill. This is my passion to be here...

  • 9 posts