AkiraWong's Forum Posts

  • Just tested out r100~

    Very... ...no, Super... ...no, Ultra amazing!

    The Photoshop-like blending mode is available~

    And when I try the new raining demo capx~

    I look at the ground and think~

    Why the ground looks like it has a normal map~

    Then I check the effect~

    Wow, I can use normal map in 2D engine~

    Superb~! Thanks to all developers~ =)

  • Basically, nothing is impossible unless it's 3D game~ =)

  • Ashley

    Sorry my mistake~

    It's about the layout view~

  • Hi~

    I have some suggestion for the selection method~

    01. Full select

    Drag a box which fully covering all the image pixels to select it.

    02. Normal select

    Image will be selected if the drag box touched it.

    03. Round Select

    Select an area by dragging a circle or oral.

    04. Polygon select

    Select an area by using point to point method.

    05. Free select

    Select an area by dragging a free shape.

    For now C2 only have the 1st selection type~

    Hope developer will add those selection type in new release~

    This can improve the workflow becomes more faster~


  • I see, thank you~

    That's mean I can't upload the game into arcade~ ><

  • Alright, looking forward for r100~

    Thank you~ ^^

    Oh ya, another thing I just remembered~

    The undo function didn't record the selection as history~

    For example:

    Step 1: I selected a sprite.

    Step 2: I add selection for another sprite.

    Step 3: I moved both sprites.

    Step 4: I click on nothing to deselect it.

    When I undo~

    It will goes directly to the 1st step. (Both original position)

    Instead of step 3. (New moved position with sprites selected)

    Hope developer will fix this too~

    Thank you~ ^^

  • Hi,

    Actually I'm testing a long time about this question and searching for manual and FAQ but haven't found the answer yet so I decided to post a topic here.

    The common way for displaying score is print the text out. But I have my own stylish 0 to 9 sprite images. How do I display those images like the print text function?



  • Hi~

    I just realized a bug on the new collision editing feature~

    I can add point to the collision shape but can't remove point~

    If I trying to delete the point~

    the point will goes to either zero of X or Y position~

    This bug is found on r99 version~

    Hope the developer will fix this soon~


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  • Cool~ I really like this game~

    I'm very enjoying hunting there~

    Hopes I can play this game in full version~

    Keep it up~ I love RPG~ ^^

  • Same as Rory~

    I prefer the real-time one also~

    Will be more fun~

  • about the beginning (in the intro) why you wrote my friend? write his name or his twitter so some people can translate words with him :) as i said in your game make x for run and z for jump will make the game more playable for arrow users . good luck and keep the great works

    Because she don't want to let people know, she just help translating that time once as I requested to help me to change into greater words, she is not an occupational translator. Yes, sure, no problem, I will change the keys on next update. (^_^)

    That last ice level isn't quite as readable as the earlier shots. Some of the textures just make the foreground that you're playing on blend too well with the background. Those window sills are a little too eye catching.

    I see, I will change the color of foreground and sill on next update, thanks for your feedback. (^_^)

  • <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/76168132/scirra_game/mirage_tower/title.jpg" border="0">

    > Click here to play <


    This is my 2nd game creation for a little platforming game within 2 weeks. This game basically aiming for advanced / ******** platforming player. It is about an ancient tower located on the desert which holds great treasure on the top of the tower. Player reaches to the top of the tower to complete the game. The tower have now just 3 levels available. I will create more levels if this game rock.


    UPDATED: (13 August 2012)

    01. Switched between (Z) & (X) keys.

    02. Changed ice wall design to differentiate between wall and floor.

    03. Separated huge sky background sprites into smaller sprites to prevent lag.

    UPDATED: (8 August 2012)

    01. Added 2nd control set to support for some laptop users which doesn't have numpad.

    UPDATED: (7 August 2012)

    01. Changed all BGM to fit the game.

    02. Removed all SFX due to sound offset problem, still searching for solution.

    03. Beautified the title screen.

    UPDATED: (4 August 2012)

    01. Changed (K)(L) buttons into (Num 4)(Num 5) due to some keyboard issues.

    02. Changed terrain on level 1 & 2 for better level design.

    03. Increased resurrection time from 3 to 1 second.


    Prologue -The Forgotten Desert-

    Tower 1F -Sunrise-

    Tower 2F -Rose Garden-

    Tower 3F -Arctic Pole-


    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/76168132/scirra_game/mirage_tower/snapshot_1.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/76168132/scirra_game/mirage_tower/snapshot_2.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/76168132/scirra_game/mirage_tower/snapshot_3.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/76168132/scirra_game/mirage_tower/snapshot_4.jpg" border="0">

    Hope you enjoy the game~

    Please leave a comment if have any question~

    I will be glad to listen any feedback~

    Thank you for playing~

  • As the title, I think a bookmark system is good on arcade which you can check or uncheck bookmark of other people's game and system will inform you messages if one of the following condition is happened:

    01. He/she uploaded a new version of his/her game.

    02. Have any new comments on his/her game.

    That's it. What do you think? =)

  • Snapshot whole layout with actual size and full effects~

    Due to sprite effects only display in game, if I snapshot in game~

    I need to go around and snapshot many images and put together~

    If I print screen on editor which make the layout fits my screen~

    The image will becomes smaller and lose details~

    Because my layout is bigger than my monitor screen~

  • Basically I do all myself including~

    Story telling (Design the game story if available)~

    Game design (Gameplay design, function settings)~

    Event design (Programming, code, logic thinking)~

    Concept design (Theme of the level, feeling to give player)~

    Level design (Level construction, difficulty balancing)~

    2D & 3D artwork (Sprite animation & 3D rendering sprite)~

    For the SFX and BGM~

    Some of them I do it myself~

    Some of them I downloaded from website~

    That provide free sources for free project use~

    Yup, that is it~

    Hopes it helps~ ^^