AkbarAsgharMG's Forum Posts

  • Hi.

    I have made a loader layout and for the game starter.now how can I make a loading before levels in game ?

    and is it necessary (the game has a lot of physics) ...?

    I ask this because I noticed after the first loading, going to to levels layouts takes no time and it's immediately.(I just tested it with PC)

    the game is for android and ios

    tnx for any guide

  • The link looks broken, please provide a working direct link. (A page full of ads in a language I don't understand is also challenging <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" />)

    LOL excuse me. here's a new link


  • Try Construct 3

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  • the replacement to solve this problem is using Loop, but It's still a kind of bug itself.

  • Problem Description

    Animations with same Anime Speed and different number of frams are not sync.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    theres two similar sprites. the animations loop have 10 frames. I dupicated frames for one of them (20 frames) and in the event sheet I set equal speed for both. but after a few seconds they lose the harmony. (you can see it by click)

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    animation with same speed and different frames are didn't go together.

    Expected Result

    equal speed !

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    window 8 firefox

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • you can use this plugin "rex_simulate_keyevent"

  • hi.

    I want to make a game for Windows(exe) and I have no idea for multiplayer LAN part.

    I need a source which could send something (string,num,...) from a PC to another PC and reverse.

    btw, do you think such a thing is possible with construct2 ?

  • Hi.

    I want to make a chatroom which transfer data by bluetooth ( construct2 for android).

  • hi

    I wanna Set Angle all SpriteA (IID=n) to SpriteB(IID = n+1)

    how ?


  • hi

    I have 100 of spirte1, 100 sprite2 and 100 Sprite3

    I want on start of layout Sprite1 with IID 0 pins to Sprite2(IID 0) and Sprite2 pins to Spirte3(IID 0) and continue ...

    I mean the sprites with same IID pin each other.

    how do I ?

  • i repeated the test again. this time I used 2 8direction behaviors. and all parameters was equal and disabled set angle and used left& right.

    and used deafult control for one and disabled control for the other.

    every tick |?Sprite set 8direction1 VectorX to -1*Sprite.8direction.VectorX

    so everytick the VectorX of second 8direction behavior is setting on the other 8direction behavior*(-1). and it must be zero speed and sprite should has no movement ... but it had a little movement

  • my sprite has 8direction behavior (left&right- No set angle) and also have Custom Movement behavior.

    the event is. when key (right) pressed. set Sprite CustomMovment Speed to [ -1*Sprite.8direction.VectorX] .

    the speed of 8dirctions is invert of costom movement with equal value. so it must be ZERO. but the sprite has a little movement!

  • hey guys.

    I want one of my sprite moves exactly like other sprite with a manual delay.

    for example: when sprite1 goes from point A to Point B then sprite2 follows the same path, speed,acceleration, ... but after a little delay. atually the sprite2 is the past of sprite1.


  • c'mon somebody answer me.

    I don't want use scirra sever or any server. is there any events or pluging that i could send and recive data between to devices (mobile or tablet) ?

  • like seabattle