akasketch's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Basically, I Am Bread with Eggs and Bacon Allomancy/Bending (I'm a Sanderfan... Read Brandon Sanderson!).I still need to make a better menu, a save option, and such, but it's pretty much done. Feedback would be GREATLY appreciated!

    I can't post URLs yet, so just go find it on Scirra Arcade.

    I made a mobile version too; it's glitchy and I need some help (might just be too many objects); I'll upload that one later here.

  • I'm Trevor.

    During school, my friends and I were the ones that never grew out of "playing pretend," as the adults (and us when explaining to them our activities) called it. We made up our own characters and stories; at first it was all about their powers and one-upping the last guy, but eventually our stories became more elaborate/detailed. As far as I know, none of us has forgotten any of even each others' characters, even ones that we've stopped developing. I digress. These characters bred in me a love of creating stories.

    Music is a huge part of my background. I took over 10 years of piano lessons as a kid, but my dad never could get me to actually practice what was on the page, so he removed that part of my education. That said, my entire family is musical, and (vanity aside) I am too. There's a song in my blood, even if I'm not the greatest musician.

    As a kid, I also fell in love with the Manga and Anime art styles. I loved their cartoony features (the fact that I couldn't draw realistically made this an extreme plus), but also that they could remain serious and portray complex emotions. Avatar was my favorite TV show growing up, and Kingdom Hearts my favorite game, and both remain so.

    When I see something beautiful, I want to make one of my own. I find beauty in weird things, like the spring lock in a toaster, so this has led to some interesting creations. However, this also urged me to learn how to draw, and draw well. I wanted to give each of my characters a face. And a body. And gear. And a life. I wanted to show off my stories, give them to the world. My passion for creation lined up with my song and my art to form a desire for game-making.

    I have two serious projects up my sleeve, and one fun one:

    Spindles, Deprived, and Breakfast Club (not "The")

    Spindles is in the works, Deprived will not be made on C2 (I'm sorry guys! I need to give it 3D.), and Breakfast Club is... well... hehehe, almost done. I think. I hope.

    I'm kind of halfway trying to start a game-making company called Sketch Industries; please contact me if you want more info!

    In all other things, have a great day, may the Force be with you, and God Bless.

  • Yes, please! I've been wondering how to make sectioned-off characters for a while now; having the capx to analyze would be astoundingly helpful.

    EDIT: Haha, when I hit submit, the page reloaded and BOOM. Tons of replies and a semireplacement URL. Thanks!

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  • Huh. Okay. Downloaded Firefox just now; trying it there.

    ds4 Windows is a program that translates dualshock 4 input into Xbox, so in theory it should work on this, but it's not.

    EDIT: Weird. After downloading Ff, it works on Chrome.

  • I'm having trouble getting the gamepad input to function properly. I downloaded someone's "Xbox Controller Test" capx from the "how do I get the gamepad to work rightly" thread (thank you, by the way!), and no inputs showed any results.

    I am using ds4 Windows as I don't have a true Xbox controller, which might be a problem, but it's worked fine with everything else I've used it for (Minecraft Windows 10 and original Minecraft with a custom button layout).

    Can anybody help?

  • 5 posts