aJamDonut's Forum Posts

  • Sorry I wasn't around to follow up, I was putting my latest game on greenlight and it stole my night lol. Looks like you got there in the end, glad I could help.

  • Thanks a lot for the vote! Let me know if you need me to check out anything of yours!

    There are endless solar systems that can generate, the campaign begins with Sol. Solar systems vary by their planets, collectible resources and the Star at the center (whether its a white dwarf, red giant etc)

  • Use "set animation" when "A" is pressed

  • there is a function called ViewportLeft(Layer) which you can use to calculate the distance.


    Condition: On start of layout

    Action: Object Set Width Self.X - ViewportLeft(Layer)

    This would set the width of the object to the distance between the left of viewport and the objects X

  • Hi guys,

    I hope this is the right place/way to post this. I've just put my game on steam greenlight to put it to the test <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" />

    I'm welcoming feedback on greenlight and here and really want to know what you guys think, I haven't really pushed it public until now (so far its been friends and family).



    I'm ready for the critic so don't hold back! Thanks guys.

  • oh sorry i was quick to reply without fully reading... building my rep, although it seems badly, i hope u find the answer!

  • It shouldn't because the entire app is loaded on disk already, instead use a splash screen.

    Check this tutorial out:



  • You need to upload the file to FTP where a HTTP server can serve it. Or if you want to run it locally export it as NWJS (NodeJS app)

  • I call this the "Mate" variable (literally I do, but it isn't its technical term).

    I'll try explain it:

    When you create the sprite which is associated with the player or the enemy, assign a variable in itself to the UID of the object it is associated (or tracking in your case) with. Then when you want to conditional or action against it, pick the Object by UID against the "Mate" variable.

    If this doesn't make sense let me know and I'll try get a capx or screenshots sorted.

    Keep in mind using IID for references in enemies and sprites can cause issues because if an enemy or sprite is destroyed, the IID for the next enemy/sprite can conflict

    • Post link icon

    fable, fallout 3, mass effect, bioshock infinite

  • favorited

  • The first trailer for my upcoming space RTS/SIM


  • url does not work for me, keeps loading

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • > The condition "On object clicked".


    Correct, remembering you need to add the Mouse object to your game.

    Also add the condition "object > Pick Top/Bottom > Top" so if you click two objects on top of each other, the game will pick the one in the front

    I learn something new everyday Thanks 7Soul

  • Hi,

    I'm Adam from UK and I enjoy developing mostly for web and some systems code. I've mostly been a lurker until now and feel slightly anxious about saying "Hi" to everybody.

    I'm 25 and have been developing since I was 14. I enjoy using various languages and programs for my hobbies and for work. My primary background is in PHP and LAMP, but i've always worked with and explored Javascript deeply as well as other various languages/tech.

    I came across Construct 2 after working with ImpactJS and my own engines (Videos/info coming soon) and wanting more of the repetitive work taken away. After having working prototypes so quickly with C2 I realised the power that had just been handed to me.

    I now find myself becoming a preacher-of-sorts for construct 2 and can't wait to see it evolve over the next few years, during the exciting flux of HTML5 technology and it's new role in the gaming industry.

    I want to join in with the forum and community as I've really found myself sticking with Construct 2 and the great things it has to offer and I know we still have yet to find out it's true limits.

    I've already developed 2 very rudimentary games that are on kongregate (i will add links once I have the rep) they are called "BubbleBop" and "Attraction".

    I'm currently working on a new project called AstroColonist which I'm excited about and I hope to share with you guys soon.

    Love, Adam. xoxo