Ahr Ech's Forum Posts

  • Oh, sorry , I was mostly responding to irbis and building on what you said.

  • >

    > Holy cow, look at those game's numbers and quality! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised">

    > https://www.yoyogames.com/showcase


    > And then you go back to Construct2's games showcase, 4 years in making...

    > https://www.scirra.com/


    > Makes you think eh?


    The level of coding you need to know to reach those results on GameMaker is HUGE! Most of them are probably made by expert coders who know how to make external dll files and so on.

    I haven't seen much from GM that couldn't be achieved in C2. There just haven't been as many games of that quality that have actually been finished with C2 because the user base is much smaller and more focused on mobile. (And yeah, export problems. C2 is worthless if you want to release on consoles, which is a big target for that kind of project) But it can still easily produce games of that quality.

  • I guess you might be able to do that with a really convoluted string, but yeah, you definitely want to store all that in an array instead. It'll be way easier to work with.

  • Your project looks awesome is that for mobile?

    Nah, I'm targeting PC. Mobile has a lot of extra headaches I don't want to deal with.

  • Thanks all!

    Looks really great!

    I wonder how you shaped the rocks and the sand? Those aren't all individual sprites, are they? And how did you give the rocks texture?

    The rock and sand are both their own Tilemaps. For the texture I just have a Tiled Background object with the Overlay effect applied to it. And the layer it shares with the Tilemaps is set to Force Own Texture. This effectively masks out the empty space just like the Source Atop blend mode would.


    Dude, I love that frog house. I wanna live in there so bad.

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  • more stuff

    TELLES0808 Thanks!

  • TELLES0808

    Spawning sprites with Fade behavior and aligned to the moving direction.


    Close! It's actually two layers of sprites. Larger ones in back with one color and smaller ones in front with another color. That way you get the outline without it overlapping the previous piece of tunnel.

    And no animations or anything, I just set the sprite's scale based on it's own alpha value and let the fade behavior do the rest.

    And nice water!

  • Thanks all!


    ahr it looks STUNNING. Could you give some insight on how that digging in the sand works? I am really curious about that.

    I have a bullet behavior on the drill and anglelerp it in the direction the player is pressing when it's underground. Then when it emerges I just add gravity and take control away until it hits something and drill mode is cancelled.

    Joannesalfa Neat! I've never looked into altering tilemaps at runtime, is that controlled with an array?

  • Looking good everybody!

    Been working on a platformer inspired by a weird combination of Dig Dug and Ecco the Dolphin. I don't have a title yet.

  • this game always inspires me, is much beauty to only one game xD

    Thanks! And man, I love that cyclops monster. So good.

  • Looking good everybody!

    I made some new islands for one of Reliquary's later areas.

    And the space backdrop has even more layers of parallax because there are never enough.


    That is just too cool. I loved what I played at GDC by the way, and can't wait to get my hands on the final product.

  • Each letter is basically a tile from a single image, right? Scaling it down might be messing with the borders of those tiles to make surrounding letters sort of bleed over at lower resolutions because the pixels don't line up. Ideally you'd want to just make a slightly smaller version of the font so you don't need to scale it, but if that's not an option it might help to add a few more empty pixels between each letter.

  • I suppose you could use a tilemap filled with solid tiles and erase them on overlap. Or you could use the paster plugin, but I don't think that would get saved with the default savestate system. I guess it depends on the art style you're going for and what kind of performance you expect.

    Using lots of individual objects definitely wouldn't be efficient, though.

  • spongehammer thanks man!

    Wow! Awesome effects.

  • Wrangler Nice! Tons more depth to the scene with the new sprites.

    Anyway, recent stuff for Reliquary.