Ahr Ech's Forum Posts

  • New target indicator and re-worked FX for the Blink ability in Reliquary.

  • +1 for the Paster idea. I used that method in one of my prototypes for discarded shells, scrapes, scorch marks and debris. Pretty painless to implement and all it costs is a little memory. Let that stuff pile up all you want and it'll never use more.

  • Happy to help. Good luck in the jam!

  • Seems to work okay now. I left some notes in there for you on what I changed and why.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/1dtarmobgz06g ... .capx?dl=1

    Oh man, I just remembered! I moved the player starting position and set the preview browser to NW.js to simplify testing and forgot to change them back. Sorry!

  • Without seeing a screenshot of the events or the capx itself it's hard to say. Off the top of my head, do your attacks do more than 1 point of damage at a time? It's possible you're overshooting 0. If that's the case, try setting it to check for less or equal to 0 rather than just equal to. I know that tripped me up a few times.

  • Working on a new area for Reliquary. This part of the asteroid field has been overrun by giant fungi.

  • Here's an interesting bug. Not sure what's going on yet.

    And here's R0J0hound 's fantastic Paster plugin being put to good use so that scorch marks, scuffs and debris can be permanent for the duration of a match. That's a lot of brass!

    Po10c Looks fascinating!

    blekdar I really like your color choices. The characters pop nicely.

  • Not sure if this'll fit your needs, but you might take a look at this handy plugin: http://c2rexplugins.weebly.com/rex_date.html

  • I don't really get these solutions. Unless I'm missing something I think you could just set the object's angle like this: 90+Object.Sine.Value

    If you're letting the bullet behavior set the object's angle, you might want to set the sine to "value only" so they don't fight each other.

    example https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/135 ... hingy.capx

  • Starting to rough out the HUD.

    Not too hard. I learned the little bit I know from youtube tutorials.

    vybr Looks really clean! I'd add some stalagmites in the foreground as well to give it a little more depth.

  • Could you tell me which program did you use to make this amazing mech?

    I used Blender for the mech sprites. The rest of the objects in the scene I painted in Photoshop.

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  • Ah, I was suggesting this as a replacement for the ScrollTo behavior. For it to work right, you'd need to remove the behavior and set your new scroll event to run every tick. It should smooth out that jump you were describing with a little tweaking. Unless I misunderstood what you're trying to do?

  • Oh, sorry. lerp is a system expression.

    From the manual: "lerp(a, b, x) Linear interpolation of a to b by x. Calculates a + x * (b - a)."

    So for smooth camera tracking, you might try System / Scroll To Position and setting X to lerp(scrollx, player.x, 0.05) and Y to lerp(scrolly, player.y, 0.05). That third value in each, (0.05 in this example) changes how fast it'll scroll. The bigger the number, the snappier it'll be.

  • I like to put my scrollto behavior on a separate invisible object and then just lerp it's position to the players.

    I only use it if I need screenshake or want to track multiple objects, though. If you don't need those it's easier to just go through system and lerp your scrollx and scrolly values to the player (or anywhere else) directly.