ahmadmanga's Forum Posts

  • Hi again ~

    Thanks for the reply

    This supposed to be a dev-log so I was waiting until I have something new to post, But I haven't done much to the game since last week. so here I'll put what should be doing next:

    • add couple of new trees to water.
    • decrease the difficulty of the first levels.
    • change the level select menu.

    Hopefully I do these by next week.

  • Salam (peace) upon you all~

    Here I'll post about my game:

    Cloudy: Make It Rain

    This You control a cloud to save trees from drying up, avoid wind to not lose your water.

    You Can Play (ver.0.7.3):


    GameJolt or




    The game is still WIP & have lots to do, But I'll post any major update here, will be happy to read your feedback.

    I'll post smaller updates on twitter #CloudyTheGame

  • I don't use ads (yet), but I'm too interested of the others answers.

  • Thanks for trying, there are times where game jolt doesn't work for me too.

  • I love RPGs, especially JRPG which you unfold the protagonist story and his relationship with other characters.. one of my all-time favorite is "Chrono Trigger".

    hope FFVII PS4 remake does good.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Publish as online persona and keep everything about you far from it.

  • Thanks for the offer, I need as much as possible feedback on my CLOUDY : http://gamejolt.com/games/cloudy-make-it-rain/80844

  • I love card games, and prefer the Free-to-play model (Play-to-Collect) one.. and if I make a card game I want it to be like that (I have Ideas for a very simple one (you know how hard a simple card game can be))..

    I'm sure you can do it!!

  • Haven't played this, but heard it's a masterpiece so I want to give it a try if I can

  • I'm pretty sure "arrays" are not cleared when restarting the 'global vars'...

    but as LittleStain said above using webstorage is better for games that stores highscore, it allows these to stay registered in the machine even after closing the browser (ideal for save games).

  • my case, I do this by making two vars called for example "Score" and "ShownScore" (a third one for enabling/disabling this event).. just like this screenshot below :

    you can do every tick but to make sure you control the speed I recommend using "every X second" event because that'll give a similar result on every machine..

    you can also use delta-time

    (click for the tutorial)

    but for me I don't like using it when wanting integer results.

  • Thanks, If I was to discover that by myself (Taking UID send it to function) it may took months..

  • salam (peace)...

    I didn't yet started thinking on how to make RPG with Construct2 but I'm interested (I have RPG idea but the story isn't complete and it needs a team & I'm SOLO worker)

    hmmm... about this :

    The only way atm I've found of recognizing them since both are used on both sides P1 and P2 is by calling them by their UID's. If anyone knows a better method for that(yes I know could probably go with a separate sprite for every action and then call on just that sprite, but there could be a method with C2 I'm not thinking of).

    I don't think making P1 & P2 on the same sprite a good idea ,have you tried or thought of families?

    you still have to use UID to target them though..

    OR NOT-

    I once made a game (a test game actually) that creates and destroy the same sprite over & over again, since getting it's UID in real time is pain I use Instance Variable to get it. yeah it's the same way UID works but you can target more than one Instance if you made them with the same variable value.

  • the ideas come naturally just read/watch/play/analyze anything you can so your brain will get more ideas to create new ideas from, you don't have to think yourself to death for a new one.

    and don't handwave ideas you think are not good, keep them in mind because a lot of good games came from stupid ideas.

  • salam (peace)~

    I'm not sure if this will help you but try changing the browser & changing the font of the "text object", when I first tried Arabic language with the Text Object it didn't work but when changed the font it worked (and that made my options of fonts limited too)...

    this might be what happened to you...

    I hope that helped,